12 ~ First Love

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Leo's POV:

Two years ago:

I walked through the corridor with my gaze held steadily in front of me. I knew people were staring at me but I couldn't care less. I was used to it, alright?
A gave a group of girls a fast glance and they immedietly started giggling. What's wrong with people these days? Girls seemed to think that life was a High school movie where I would suddenly fall in love with them and we would live happily ever after.
There was only one girl in this fucked up school that I liked. She was the only one who could make me smile, blush or make me feel nervous.  It was like she had a magic spell on me. I loved her.

As I excited school at the end of the day I saw her standing alone next to a bench. Her beautiful dark hair was hanging over her shoulders and she was staring out in thin air.
"Hi Nat." I smiled as I arrived in front of her. She turned around as she heard her nick name. Her full name was Natalie, but it felt so fucking long to say.

"Hi Leo." she cheered and embraced me.
I leaned my head on her shoulder and patted her back, heat igniting from my fingertips. There were loads of people chatting around us and I wished we could be alone.

"So my parents won't be home tonight." Natalie said, her cheeks turning a bit pink. We had this thing, that everytime her parents weren't home we would have sex. We had done it a couple of times already. But everytime she brought it up she still seemed to get nervous.
"They won't?" I repeated, a small smirk appearing on my lips.
Natalie shook her head before awkwardly scratching her neck.
"Hey, it's okay." I chuckled and grabbed her hand. Our fingers tangled together and we smiled at each other. I leaned down and placed a long kiss on her soft lips. She kissed me back before leaning back again.
"I love you Leo." she whispered.
I gave out a happy chuckle and hit her shoulder playfully. "Of course you do."

Two years later:

Jackie's POV:

"What is this?" I asked and dropped the photos on the floor. My heart tore in my chest every time I looked at them. The fact that Leo has lied to me about me being his first girlfriend. Why didn't he just tell me the truth?

"I- I can explain." Leo said, struggling with the words.
"No, I don't even want to hear Leo!" I yelled, my voice shaking. "You lied to me! It's over, alright!"
I bursted toward the door, but Leo grabbed my arm before I got to leave the room. He stared down at me with dark eyes.
"Let's just talk about this." he told me in a stern voice.
"There is nothing to talk about." I snapped and pushed him off me. "Go to hell."

I ran out the room, my heart beating fast in my chest. Maybe I shouldn't have been so harsh toward Leo. But the picture of him and that girl was still stuck in my head, making me feel sick. Who was she? Why hadn't Leo told me about her? Had he been with her all this time? Was I only his side chick?

By the time I got home I had ten missed calls from Leo. There was nothing more I wanted to do than to run back to his house and hug him, feeling his warm body pressed against mine. But I couldn't let him drown me into his sea of lies.

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