10 ~ good day

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I woke up early the next morning. Leo had his arms around my body and our legs were tangled together. Our faces were just inches apart and I felt his breathing against my skin.

"Psst Leo." I whispered.
He groaned and slowly opened his eyes, looking at me.
"We have to go to school." I continued.
Leo moaned and hid his face against the pillow. "No."

I jumped out of the bed and looked at the clock. School started in an hour.
"Can I choose your clothes today?" I asked with a smirk.

I picked out some navy blue jeans and a dark red hoodie. Like I had imagined Leo looked perfect in it. I should deffinetly become a fashion designer.

When it was my time to change clothes I walked toward the bathroom.
"You don't wanna' change clothes here?" Leo asked with a grin.
I rolled my eyes with a chuckle. "Dream on."


School had never been as boring as that day. Me and Leo had different schedules and I didn't get to see him during the whole day.

After school I walked out on the parking lot with my bag over my shoulder.
"Yo Jackie!"
Someone shouted from behind me. I turned around and saw Leo running toward me.
"Aren't you going to the party today?" he breathed out.
"What party?"
"It's at some dude's house. Everyone's going."

We decided to go to the party together. I hoped it wouldn't end up like the last party I went to.
As we arrived at the house Leo walked out of the car but I stayed on my seat. I felt unsure if I should even go.

Leo turned around and looked at me with curious eyes.
"We don't have to go." he said and sat down in the car again. I looked out the window and shrugged.
"Hey Jackie." Leo whispered. "Say something."

"I know it's just-" I stuttered. "I don't want it to end up like last time."
"I'll be by your side all the time."

I should never have worried about the party. Leo walked close to me like he was my bodyguard. He always made sure our bodies were touching and he looked for my gaze all the time, making sure I was feeling good. He kissed me a lot of times to, which made me feel better than ever.

Me and Leo ended up in a room with some of his friends. Suddenly two girls I recognised walked into the room.
"Andrea! Sofie!" I greeted and hugged them both. We talked for a while and I told them about Leo.
We then joined the rest of the people in the room and sat down on the sofas. Leo sat next to me, so close that I was almost sitting in his lap.

"So are you guys together?" a girl asked me and Leo. I stuttered, I didn't even know the answer to that question.
"Yes we are." Leo suddenly said and smiled at me. I smiled back and my cheeks grew hot. Damn, I've got a boyfriend!

"Have you fucked yet?" a guy asked. I sighed. Just guys being dudes.

Leo made a grimage and looked at me. I blushed. Thinking about Leo and me having sex made my body feel stiff.

I shook my head to the guy who asked. "Nah."
"Well are you ready to do it?" a girl smirked.
Leo looked at me with a big grin on his face. I felt my body grow hot and I chuckled nervously.
"I guess."
Everyone in the room started laughing and Leo had a grimace on his face.


"Me and Jackie should go now." Leo announced to the room after a while.
"Other plans?" a guy smirked.
Leo gave him a deadly eye as we walked out of the room.

He drove me home to my house, parking his car a few blocks away from my house. It was two o'clock in the night and I planned on sneaking into the house without waking up my mom.

"Thanks for a nice day." I smiled as Leo stopped the car.
"I should thank you."
We looked at each other for a while.

"I love you so fucking much." Leo whispered and placed a kiss on my lips. I inhaled a sharp breath and opened my mouth, inviting his tongue. He was fast to pull it in and we started making out.

Leo played with my hair as we kissed intensely. I wanted to get even closer to him.
Suddenly I sat down over Leo, with one leg on each side of his torso. We kissed rapidly, wanting more of each other. He trailed kisses down my neck and I moaned.

His hands caressed my skin, touching every part of my body. I jerked when Leo kissed me with more force.
He had his hand on the back of my head, pulling my face even closer to his. I was breathing heavily and I decided to try something new.

I did a slow grinding movement over Leo's torso and he groaned loudly, pleased by the feeling it gave him.
I did it again and Leo closed his eyes, while biting his bottom lip.
"Fuck." Leo whimpered. A new glimt appeared in his eyes and he looked at me with hunger. I bit my lip and chuckled over his sudden eager.

Leo put his hand right above my breast and we stopped kissing. Looking me in the eyes he slowly let his palm caress my collarbone, down to my breast. I inhaled a deep breath as he squished it gently.
Our lips smashed together.

We continued our makeout for a while until I broke the kiss. He looked at me with curious eyes, only the sound of our heavy breathings filling the car. I grabbed his hand and played with his fingers.
Leo had a smile on his face and stared at what I was doing with our hands.

"I should go now." I whispered.
Leo nodded and placed a fast kiss on my forehead. I rested my face against his shoulder for a while, enjoying the moment.
"I'll see you tomorrow." he whispered.

Love ~ Leonardo Dicaprio fanficWhere stories live. Discover now