8 ~ hospital

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Leo's POV:

Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
What the fuck did I just do!?

Jackie was laying on the ground, her head tilted to the side. Blod was pouring from her nose and she had a big scar over her cheek. I couldn't speak, my mouth felt dry and my body was slightly shaking.

I didn't know how I managed to call the ambulance. I was in shock and my body felt stiff. Tears were pouring from my eyes and my lips were trembling.

"S-she w-will be okay?" I cried as the ambulance personal lifted her body into the car. They didn't answer and I started crying harder.
"P-please." I sobbed.

It was the worst day of my whole life. I cried the whole night, laying on my bed and squishing the covers. I had never felt so broken before, the tears never ended.

The sadness soon turned into anger. I paced back and forth in my room, breaking and throwing things all over the place. I was glad my parents weren't home, they would just make everything worse.
I thought about Jackie's mother. Shit.

"Fuck!" I screamed and pulled my hair.


The doctors told me Jackie was in a coma, she had a broken arm and a punctured lung.

I was sitting in a chair next to her bed. Tears were falling from my eyes and I cried against my palms.
"I'm so sorry." I whined. "I'm sorry for being so fucked. I'm sorry for being so fake. I'm sorry for everything."

"I need you."


Two weeks. For two weeks Jackie was in a coma. I was in school when I got the text that said she was awake.
I stood up from my chair and hurried toward the door.
"Where are you going Dicaprio?" my teacher Mrs Flint asked.
"Fuck off."

Jackie's POV:

Everyone I knew came to visit me on the hospital. My mom, relatives, old people my mom knew, and so on.

I was laying in a hospital bed, half sleeping with my hands under my head. It was good to be alive.

The doctors told me what had happened. They actually didn't have to. I remembered everything. How Leo pushed me, the car, how he tried to save me. I don't know if I was angry at him, I knew it wasn't his fault, but why did he do it? 

Suddenly someone peeked into the room. I could only see half of the person's face. Then he took a step forward and stood still at the door.


He just stood there, staring at me, tears welling down his eyes. Soon he started crying. It was awful, I didn't know what to do. I swallowed, continuing to stare at the boy who cried in front of me.

"Leo." I whispered.

He wiped his eyes and walked into the room. I looked at his whole body, thankfull that I got to see him again. His tall figure and beautiful face made me shiver.

"I'm so sorry." Leo whined as he sat down on the chair next to the bed.
"Listen, I knew you didn't mean to." I stuttered.
He shook his head. "But I still did it."
I sighed and sat up. I hated to see him this sad, it didn't look like the tough Leo I saw in school.

"Let's just forget all of this." I began. "It was a mistake. But everything is good now. I'm here, and we're both alive."

Leo turned quiet and he looked at me with sad eyes.

We talked for two hours, just sitting there in the hospital room. Soon we were both smiling and everything felt like it used to do.

I crawled over the bed and toward Leo. He grinned as I sat down in his lap and I kissed his cheek.

"Jackie." Leo whispered.
I nodded and looked him in the eyes.
"I love you." he smiled.
I giggled and hid my face against his neck. I smelled his scent and moved closer to his warm body.
"I love you too."

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