14 ~ detention

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I was too angry to control myself. My fist landed on Jackie's cheek and she fell backward, a shocked expression on her face. My mouth went wide as I stared at her where she was laying on the floor with her hand over her bruised cheek.

What the fuck did I just do?! I just hit her! My mind was spinning like crazy and I just wanted to run away.
I had never been violent to girls. But now I had just hurt the girl I love the most in the whole world.

"Shit Jackie!" I cracked out. My mouth was dry and I had some troubles getting the words out of my mouth.
"I'm so sorry!" I continued. Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes and my body was trembling in fear. Fear that I had no control over myself.... Fear that I could hurt her again.

I knelt down next to Jackie's shaking body. Tears were streaming down her cheeks and she refused to look at me.

Suddenly I got pulled up from the ground by fucking Winston. He had a shocked and angry expression on his face. It was fake of course. I knew well enough that he didn't give a damn about Jackie. Not the same way that I cared for her. He just wanted to get her in bed, that's all he had ever wanted.

"You fucking hit her!" Winston yelled. Well duh, did he think I hadn't noticed that?

I didn't stop him as he lifted his fist and hit me. I knew I deserved to be hurt after what I did to Jackie. I didn't even deserve to live on this planet. I couldn't live if she wasn't by my side.

My face turned numb as Winston's fist connected with my jaw again. The pain was almost relaxing.

"S-stop." a small voice said.
Winston let go of me and we both stared down at the body on the floor. Blood was pouring from her nose and her cheek had swollen up. I did that. I'm the reason to why she looks like that.

Winston ran up to Jackie and kissed her sweaty forehead. He patted her back and whispered something in her ear with a calm voice.

"Don't fucking touch her!" I yelled and pulled Winston away from her. "Jackie, I'm so fucking sorry alright?" My voice shook and something wet rolled down my cheek. Probably a tear.

"No Leo!" she cracked. "I trusted you! I thought you cared about me!?"

Suddenly two teachers came running into the room. Their gazes wandered between Winston, Jackie and I.

"What's going on here?" the man asked.
Winston pointed toward me. "He went nuts and hit both me and Jackie!" he shouted. What?! He was the one who started it by pissing me off!

I looked at Jackie with begging eyes, waiting for her to interfere and tell the teachers that it wasn't true. But she sat quiet on the floor, her eyes puffy with tears.

"You're coming with us Leonardo." one of the teachers said. She and the man walked up to me and grabbed me by the arms.
"B-but!" I began and tried to push their arms away from my body.

I looked at Jackie who was leaning her head against Winston's chest. He was playing with her fingers and I felt my face turn warm. I wanted to kill him.
"Jackie come on!" I yelled. "I didn't mean to hit you! You know I would never want to hurt you!"
But she didn't answer me and I got pulled out of the classroom.

"Don't fucking touch me you perverts." I hissed and tried to get out of the teachers' grips. "I'm serious I'll fucking kill you!"

I couldn't understand that this was actually happening. These fuckers who call themselves teachers were dragging me through the corridor without listening to my perspective of what happened in the classroom.

How was I supposed to get out of this complete fucking mess. Jackie was never going to forgive me!

- - -

Jackie's POV:

Leo got a detention for three weeks because of the fight in the classroom. I was still in shook a week after it happened.
I couldn't believe that Leo hit me. I knew he could be aggressive and that he had a fast mouth. But never, never did I think that he would harm me physically.

Winston had been hanging out with me since the fight. I didn't understand why Leo hated him so much. He was the sweetest guy ever and unlike Leo he never said a single mean thing to me.

Winston and I was sitting on my bed in my room. I was staring at my phone with blank eyes. Winston was laying next to me, a hand placed on my thigh.
I had expected Leo to bomb my phone with texts and calls. But I hadn't heard anything from him for the last week.

Was he okay? Had something happened to him?

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