13 ~ fight

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School without Leo was hell. When I arrived at school he was standing next to the entrance, leaning against the brick wall. He had one leg popped up behind him and held a brown stick in his hand. Huh, I thought he had stopped smoking.
I held my gaze steadily on the ground as I made my way up to the entrance, hoping that Leo couldn't see me.

"Jackie!" he suddenly yelled from behind me. I swallowed and kept walking, pushing the school door open and hurrying inside. There were loads of people in the corridor and I hoped Leo wouldn't see me in the crowd.

Fast footsteps were heard from behind me and suddenly I got grabbed in the arm and was pulled inside an empty classroom.

"Leo, stop!" I hissed. But when I looked up I saw that it wasn't him. It was Winston. He had a nervous expression on his face, biting his bottom lip so it turned white.

"Oh. Winston." I breathed out.
"You thought I was Leo?" Winston asked me and pulled his hands through his perfect dark hair. When I nodded his face fell and he took a step back from me.

"Don't worry." I told him with a crooked smile. "We're not together anymore."

The corners of Winston's lips went up and his eyes glittered with hope.

"Why did you drag me in here?" I asked with furrowed eyebrows. I was happy that it wasn't Leo who had taken me here but I felt worried because of the nervous look on Winston's tanned face.
"I-uh." he began, struggling with the words. "I just wanted to know how you were doing..."
"Mhm?" I chuckled, a grin growing on my face.

This was the first time I had laughed since I got to know about Leo's lie.
"Now that you and Leo aren't together anymore... I thought maybe we can go out?" he proposed, his face flushing. When I nodded his face got back it's color and he smiled.
"That sounds really nice." I chimed.

It felt good to hang out with a guy who wasn't Leo. It was also a good way to forget about him. He didn't deserve me.

I leaned forward and before I knew it I had pressed my lips against Winston's. He grabbed me by the waist and pulled me closer to him. I sat down on a bench and Winston moved in between my legs, kissing me with force.

It felt weird to kiss someone who was not Leo. It felt wrong, but still so right. Their lips weren't like each other at all. Leo's kisses had been warm and soft. Winston's kiss was hard and almost too forceful. But it didn't matter. I needed Winston right now.

"Jackie?" a person said in a low voice from the door to the classroom.
Winston and I broke the kiss and my head snapped to the side. Leo was standing by the door, a frown on his face.

He looked.... heartbroken?

I pushed Winston away from me and swallowed hard.
"What are you doing here?" I asked, my voice shaking.
"I was about to ask you the same thing." Leo said in a harsh tone. He had his hands balled by his sides and his face was slowly turning red in rage.

"You have no reason to just walk in here." I snapped. "Winston and I were-"
I didn't get to finish the sentence because Leo interrupted me with a roaring voice:
"Sticking your tongues into each other's throats? Yeah I saw that."

"Get outta' here man." Winston suddenly said with a cocky smile. "Me and Jackie have some unfinished business to finish." he said the last with a smirk.
"You mean you and my fucking girlfriend?" Leo hissed and clenched his jaw.
Winston laughed loudly from next to me. "Your girlfriend?" he mocked. "Why did she just tell me you're not together anymore?"

Leo's face went pale and his gaze wandered to my eyes. I tried to escape his blaming eyes. I had never felt so bad for someone in my whole life. But then, he was the one who fucked up in the first hand.

"Jackie?" Leo asked. "Are you-"
I interrupted him. "Yes. I'm not interested in you anymore."
That was a lie. I was still in love with him, but I was too heartbroken and jealous to admit it.

"But-" Leo began but Winston's laugh stopped him mid scentence:
"Just give it up you jerk. You had your chance. She's with me now."
I didn't know what to say. I wasn't with Winston. Or was I? I didn't get to think more about it because suddenly Leo was running forward.

He grabbed Winston by the collar of his shirt and threw him into the wall. My mouth fell open as I watched Leo hit Winston's head against the wall over and over again.

"She's my fucking girlfriend!" he yelled. "She's never gonna' be with a hobo like you!"
Winston stumbled to his feet and succeeded to hit Leo square in the jaw. He stumbled backward with a painful grimace on his face.

"Stop it!" I screamed. "Both of you!"
But neither of them listened to me. Suddenly they were over each other again.

I ran up to them and tried to push Leo's tall body away from Winston. Leo spun around on his feet and his arm flew up.
Suddenly his fist landed on my cheek with so much force that I fell backward and down on the floor. The room turned quiet and I heard the gasps escape from Winston's and Leo's mouths.

Love ~ Leonardo Dicaprio fanficWhere stories live. Discover now