18 ~ afraid

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School had been boring lately. Everything had been boring. Not even Andrea's and Sofie's chanting about some hot dude made the frown disappear from my face.

I knew that the main reason to my bad mood was that I wasn't friends with Leo any longer. I don't want to admit it... but I really miss him.
He was always so funny and light mooded. He could turn everything into a funny joke and he never failed to make me smile. I missed his kisses too...

Winston had been following me around everywhere. I'm glad that I have him because he makes me forget about Leo who I haven't seen in weeks now.
He never showed up for school anymore. I knew his grades were falling and I wish I could tell him to try harder.
But I didn't know where he was. What if something had happened to him? What if he was hurt?!

"What are you thinking about?" Winston asked, waking me up from my thoughts.
We were sitting in his bedroom, listening to the sound of raindrops against the large window.

"Nothing." I said with a shrug.

Winston's eyes darted over the room and he pulled his hands through his dark hair.

"You know..." he began slowly. "I've been thinking."

I raised my eyebrows questioningly. "Mhmm?"

"When do you think you're ready?" he asked.


"Yeah. To have sex with me?"

My eyebrows flew up and I tried to swallow the gasp which was building up in my throat.

"Uh..." I stuttered.

I had never really thought about having sex with Winston. I was still a virgin after all. I had always imagined that I would loose my virginity to Leo, but I guess that wasn't happening now that we had broken up. Now that I think about it Leo never even brought up sex. Maybe he didn't want to have it with me? Or maybe he didn't want to push me into something he knew I wasn't ready for, and therefore he didn't even bring it up?

"Uh. Yeah." I began. "Soon."

Winston smiled. He seemed satisfied over the answer.

"I better go home now." I said and stood up from Winston's bed.

My mind was racing as I walked along the sidewalk toward my home. The rain made my hair pouring wet and I wished I would have brought an umbrella. The air was cold and I pulled my jacket tighter around my body.

The sound of loud voices made my head snap up. A group of boys who looked my age were approaching me on the street. They had dark hoods and I couldn't see their faces very clearly.

"Wassup girl." one of them said as they had reached up to me.

"Leave me alone." I spat, quickening my pace. The guys whistled and I felt my face turn bright red.

The guys spoke quietly to each other for a while before suddenly deciding to run after me. I felt a cold hand make it's way to my mouth and someone grabbed my wrists in a tight grip. I tried to scream but the hand on my mouth didn't let me make any sound.

Panic welled through my body as I got pushed into a car. My head hit something hard and my gaze became blurry.

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