7 ~ accident

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For the first weeks everything was fine with me and Leo. He came up to me often in school and we even hung out after school sometimes. 

But then. Something happened.
He got irritated when I talked to him and he started ignoring me. He never looked me in the eyes while talking and he made me feel worthless. It felt like he was embarrassed to know me. What had I done wrong?

One afternoon I decided to visit the same restaurant Leo and I once went to. I didn't really know why. I just wanted to buy a drink.

"Hello dear." a woman said as I sat down at a table. I looked up and saw the manager lady who Leo had told me he knew.
"You're not with Leonardo this time?" she asked with a crooked smile.
I shook my head and sighed. The lady furrowed her eyebrows and sat down on the chair next to me.

"You're not friends anymore?" she stated.
"I don't know." I began with a shrug. "Everything seemed so perfect. But then he started ignoring me."
The lady scatched her neck and rested her elbows on the table. She seemed to think over something.

"You know." she began. "Everything hasn't been very easy for Leo."
I furrowed my eyebrows and nodded for her to continue.
"When he was thirteen his father passed away and since then he doesn't want to let people into his life anymore." the lady began. "If he starts growing feelings for someone there is a risk that he will start shutting them out. He doesn't want to get hurt again."


"Hey, can we talk for a sec?" I asked Leo after a history lesson.
He glared down at me with an irritated face. Then he shrugged with a sigh. "Fine. But make it quick."

It was the last lesson for the day so Leo and I grabbed our things before we went outside.
We were standing on the sidewalk and Leo had his arms crossed over his chest.

"I just wanted to know why you've been ognoring me?" I cracked out, my face flushing red.
Leo made a confused grimage and shook his head. "What the fuck are you talking about?"

I felt my heart sink and I swallowed. "What happened with our friendship. Because you can't deny that we had one."
Leo pulled his hands through his hair and looked at me like I was an idiot.
"We never had anything." he began with a hiss. "We were just messing around and I regret it all."

Ouch, that really hurt.

"You know what?" I snapped. "Fuck you."
Leo's eyes turned dark and he clenched his jaw.
"It's not my fault that I don't wanna' hang out with you. You're fucking irritating. " he snapped back.
My face turned red and I clenched my jaw. This dude really was an asshole. How could I like him?

"You're a fucking idiot!" I beamed. "Stop playing tough because everyone knows that you're actually a fucking pussy!"

Oops, I shouldn't have said that.

Leo's face turned red with rage and he squinted his eyes. Then he took a fast step forwards and pushed me, making me stumble backwards.
"You're a fucking bitch." he sneered.
My jaw fell open and I tried to get back on my feet but Leo continued pushing me backwards. Soon I felt my feet land on the rode and I whined.

A car honking made me look up, and my eyes met Leo's. He looked terrified and he tried to grab my arm to pull me back on the sidewalk.
"Jackie!" he shouted, but he was too late.
The car hit me from the side and everything went black.

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