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Leo turned his face away from me. Was it embarrassment I saw on his face?

"I'm sorry." I sobbed and sat down next to him on the bed. I tried to grab his hand but he quickly moved it away from me.

"Please talk to me." I begged, feeling something wet roll down my cheek.

He shook his head with a blank expression on his face. "I have nothing to say. Just leave me alone and go back to your boyfriend." he spat.

"He's not my boyfriend!" I fired back.

"Oh yeah?" Leo hissed, his face turning red in rage. "Don't fucking play with me cuz' I'm not up for that."

My face fell and I bit on my thumbnail nervously, trying to swallow back the tears that were threatening to fall. How could he do this to me? He was the one who fucked up in the first hand!

"Can we just try to solve this like grown ups?" I asked with a sigh.

Leo laughed loudly, it was a mean and mocking laugh. "Then begin acting like one." he growled with dark eyes. "You're just a fucking child, haven't you noticed that?"

My jaw fell and I inhaled a sharp breath. "No I'm not!" I defended myself. "You're the one who hit me for god's sake!"

I expected Leo to start begging me for forgiveness and tell me that he had been acting like an idiot... but he didn't.

"Yes but it was an accident and I asked for your forgiveness! But like the child you are you just ran away!"

"I didn't run away!" I shouted.

"You refused to listen to me!" he yelled even louder.

"Because you fucked up!" I yelled, my voice breaking.

"It was an accident for fuck's sake!"

"You hit me!" I screamed. Tears were falling down my cheeks in a flood.

"I didn't mean to! You know I would never hurt you!"

"But you did!" I cried. "You hit your own girlfriend!"

"How many times do you want me to ask for your forgiveness!?"

"I don't know!" I sobbed. "You betrayed me Leo!"

"No you betrayed me first!" he shouted back. "You wanted to piss me off by hanging out with Winston! You know it makes me jealous but you just continued! You basically asked for me to hit you!"

My jaw fell and I stopped breathing, shocked that he just said that. I inhaled small, sharp breaths and tried to cool my rapid breathing.
How dare he say that. How dare he say that it was my fault that he hit me?

I stand up from the bed and head toward the door. Before I walk out the room and I turn to look at him one last time;

"I hate you." I sobbed before leaving the room.

I knew that was the last time I talked to him. It was the last time I would get to look into his beautiful ocean blue eyes. All the hope, dreams and plans for the future escaped my body and I felt numb. It was over now, Leo and I were over.

I really thought it would be him and I forever. I was the one who would save him from the badboy which wanted to take over his body. I was the one who was supposed to make him able to love someone. But I understand now that I was wrong.

Leo had dug his grave long ago, no one could save him. He had fallen too deep, to deep for anyone to be able to reach for him. Maybe someone would be able to save him one day. Someone who was at the bottom of the grave alongside him. Someone who could lift him up to the ground again. But that girl wasn't me, it would never be me.

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Sorry for not updating in a while🥴hope ya like the chapter and don't forget to comment and vote if u want me to post more chapters😉😉


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