9 ~ sleepover

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When I came back to school everyone greeted me and said that it was good to have me back. Andrea and Sofie were completely shocked and they hugged me for what felt like hours.


At the moment Leo and I were walking in the corridor when suddenly Winston ran up to us. He looked at me with wide eyes and grabbed my hand.
"Jackie!" he whimpered.
I inhaled a sharp breath, it was my broken arm he was holding.

"What the fuck!" Leo hissed and pushed Winston away from me. "Her arm is fucking broken you idiot."
I swallowed and stared at them both. I knew it wasn't Winstons fault. He didn't know it was broken.

Leo grabbed my other hand and we walked away, leaving Winston startled.

Leo had changed a lot since the accident, he treated me like I was some kind of princess. He carried my things, followed me everywhere and drove me to and from school. He even followed me to the bathroom sometimes, weirdo.


"Is your arm feeling better?" Leo asked.
It was afternoon and we were in his bedroom, I was laying on his bed and he sat at his desk.
"Yeah, I barely feel any pain." I said with a smile.
"Mhm." he murmured and bit his tumbnail. Then he looked up and smiled at me. "That's good."

With a smirk I stood up from the bed and walked up to him. Leo looked at me with curious eyes.
I sat down in his lap and rested my head against his chest. He put his arms around my waist and kissed my cheek.

"You're so beautiful Jackie." he whispered in my hair, making me shiver.
I giggled and hid my face against his neck. Opening my mouth I took a deep breath, making the warmth from it land on his skin.

"You're beautiful." I chuckled and placed a kiss against Leo's neck. I felt his heart beat faster as I continued caressing his skin.
A groan escaped his lips and he leaned his head backwards as I kissed his neck.

He placed his hands under my shirt and I shivered by his touch.

He let out a quiet moan as I found his sweet spot. I pulled my hands through his hair, enjoying the softness from it.

"Damn you're good." Leo suddenly grinned.
"You turn me on." he smirked.
"That's nice to hear."

He stood up and I put my legs around his waist. We closed pur eyes as we kissed.

Leo laid me down on the bed and he hovered over me, making my heart beat faster.
He started kissing my neck, searching for my sweet spot.
I lost my train of thoughts and moaned as he once again sucked my skin. His hands trailed over my body landing on my hips. He carefully pulled his hands under my jeans and I blushed.

He fingered on my underwears and we looked playfully into each other's eyes.

Leo pulled of his shirt and I did the same thing with mine. It soon got very heated and Leo traced kisses down my collarbone.
We rolled around, leaving me on top of him. He pulled me even closer, making sure there was no gap between our bodies.

Suddenly Leo pulled his tongue inside my mouth and I groaned. Our tongues fought for dominance and Leo searched my mouth with pleasure. I could tell he was turned on.

"Not today." I breathed out as Leo started fingering on my bra strap. Even though I wanted to do it I wasn't ready for sex yet. He nodded and placed a kiss on my cheek. We sat up in the bed and put on our shirts again.

Leo was looking at me with a large smile on his face. His hair was messy and he looked like he'd just slept for two hours.

"Do you want to sleep here tonight?" Leo asked out of no where. I looked at him with curious eyes, I had never slept at a guy's place before. I opened my mouth but nothing came out.

"You don't have to, if you don't want." Leo said, waiting for me to answer.
"I would love to!" I grinned.

Leo drove me to my house so I could pick up the stuff I needed. Mom looked happy when I told her about the sleepover. She was probably proud that I got attention from guys.

When we got back to Leo's house we entered his room. I looked at all the stuff he had in his room while he scrolled through his phone. I looked through his wardrobe, deciding that I would try on some of his clothes. I picked out a pair of jeans, a hoodie and a cap. Then I hurried into the bathroom to change into them.

"What are you doing?" Leo asked.
"You'll see." I chuckled.

"Are you ready?" I shouted as I had changed into his clothes.
"Mhm." he murmured.
"Seriously you have to look!"
"I am!"

I walked out of the bathroom. The pants were way to large for me, almost falling off. The hoodie was really comfy and I already planned on stealing it. The cap fit pretty good and I felt like a real gangster.

Leo bursted out laughing when he saw me.
"You look like a hip hopper!" he chuckled.
I did some funny dancemoves on the floor and Leo walked up to me.
"Really cool." he smirked and put the cap back and forth on my head. "That's better."

We joked around for a while before we both changed into some more comfy clothes. I kept the hoodie though.

"What movie do you wanna' watch?" Leo asked as we laid down in his bed.
I was already tired and shruged my shoulders.
We put on some random movie and I rested my head in Leo's lap.

Before I knew it I had fallen asleep.


Thanks to everyone who's reading! 😄😋 I feel like this story is kinda crappy..

But eh. I hope u like it!😎❤️

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