21 - adversaries

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Jackie's POV:

"Watchu' talkin' bout'?" Leo asked, a wrinkle between his eyebrows.
I shrugged. "Just forget about it." I began walking down the road again. Of course Leo drove after me, making me exhale a deep breath in frustration. 

"What the fuck is going on with you?!" he suddenly yelled out, making my mouth fall open. I tried to hide my shock as I continued walking.

"You almost got fucking kidnapped and you act like I didn't just save your damn life! Huh?" Leo continued yelling.
My stomach twisted and it felt like a heavy stone was builded in my throat.

"Fuck! Stop walking!" Leo shouted and reached out his hand through the window. I was close enough to the car to make him able to grab my arm. I flinched as his hand connected to my skin. A burning electricity ran from his fingers to my body and I immediately shivered.

The color drained from my face as I looked into his eyes. My stomach twisted again and for a while I thought I would throw up right in his face. His dirty blonde hair would get vomit all over it and his usually light eyes would turn dark with disgust.

"I feel sick." I whined and quickly ran up to the side of the road, staring at the big bush in front of me. Something was still tryin to push up my throat and my eyes watered up.
I let out shaky breaths trying to calm myself down. I couldn't throw up in front of Leo.

A car door opened behind me and I heard Leo's feet against concrete as he slowly approached me.

I turned toward him. Tears had already began rolling down my cheeks and I felt like a complete wreck.

"I'm sorry, I-" I began stuttering.

"No, don't be." he interrupted me.

I used my sleeve to dry my cheeks. "It's just. I could have been- God knows what today, if you wouldn't have come." I sobbed.

Leo tilted his head to the side. "No, no. That would never happen."

"A-and maybe next t-time, there will be no one to help me and I'll be all alone." I stuttered, fighting to get the words out of my dry mouth.
"Which is a really dumb thing to say." I muttered furrowing my eyebrows over my own statement. "Because I don't wanna' be the stupid girl who can't take care of herself. Who waits for that perfect guy to save her." I rolled my eyes at myself.

Leo walked closer to me, a flush creeping up his face. "First of all. You won't be alone. I- I mean. You have your mom- your family, your friends... Me." 

I pulled my lower lip between my teeth, trying to make it stop quivering. "I'm just tired Leo." I breathes out, rubbing my forehead with the back of my hand. "Ever since I met you my life has been a complete mess. I can't control my emotions and you keep making me upset."

Leo's mouth set in a hard line. He observed me with squinted eyes as he spoke: "Okay. It's not my fault you're a nerve wreck."

My mouth fell wide open. "Oh, wow. Good time to start harassing me." I muttered with a glare.

He let out a loud laugh over my words. "That's the thing with you Jackie. You think that everything I say and do is somewhat against you? I've fucking given you a thousand signals that I like you but you keep ignoring it."

"Cut the bullshit." I spit. "I'm together with Winston now. And I'm going to his place now. Which I tried to tell you earlier, by the way-"

"Wow!" Leo interrupted me. "You're good at choosing the wrong guys. But you know what? You can fuck him all you want! I don't give a fuck!"

The color completely drained from my face. A line appeared between Leo's brows as we kept glaring at each other.

"You're gonna' regret all of this so fucking bad." Leo said, the corners of his lips twitching. There was something with his voice that made me furrow my brows with uncertainty. Did he know something that I didn't?

-    -   -   -

I'M BACK! After reading you comments I realize that yall really seem to hate Jackie. Like what the heck did I do wrong, she's the main character!!! AHH. Anyways you're psychos like I've lost count of how many times you have given her the f-bomb and called her a wh*re. But you know... I LOVE IT. You're hillarious and u litterally make me laugh so much. Luv u babes.

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