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And here I am again on top of the Golden Gate Bridge. This is how I know it's a dream, I hate tall structures. The city looks amazing at night, though. The air is crisp and might I say spectacular. I already know he's here. I can't see him but it's like I can sense him somehow. This was the connection I was talking about. No words needed to be said. It's like we've already spoken everything into existence. There was no sound. It was completely silent. It felt like we were waiting for something. You know the part in a movie right before the bad thing happens? This was that moment. I heard a faint scream and flew into action literally. Sentry met me at the scene. Kamikaze was back at it. He was a bomber who like to play with pyrokinesis. It blew my mind because every scenario with him was different. It made me wonder if this wasn't a dream. As if.

"Why are we at a bowling alley? What could he want here?" I looked around.

"Who knows. What's the game plan?" Sentry raised an eyebrow.

"He'll be expecting us. Just like last time." I whispered. "The cops should be on their way. What if we -

Sentry shoved me out of the way as the front door blew off the hinges. Kamikaze had spotted us. Forget a plan. We have to act now. Sentry flew right at Kamikaze. I escorted the civilians to their cars. After getting everyone a safe distance away, a small explosion lit up the left side of the building. Without hesitation, I ran inside. Sentry was laying on the ground away from the fire. Kamikaze was trying to reach the back office.

"Go catch him." Sentry breathed.

I sprung into action. Kamikaze was rummaging through the filing cabinet. This was my first one on one with a supervillain. He seemed to be looking for something specific. What was he looking for in a bowling alley? This is the most confusing villain. What is his endgame?

"Kamikaze, you just can't seem to stay out of trouble huh?" I walked in drawing his attention.

"Insomniac go save a squirrel or something." He went back to rummaging.

I've had it with people making me feel like I'm less than because I'm new around here. It's time for a change, right here and now. I flung a chair at him and he blew through it without breaking a sweat. I grab the fire extinguisher and put out his flame. He was stunned. I threw the fire extinguisher at him. It didn't phase him. He ducked. Out of his hand escaped 4 miniature bombs. I dove through them. I decided it was time to end this the old fashion way. Hand to hand combat. I ran over to him and threw the first punch. He released more bombs. I managed to move through them as swiftly as the first time. He tried again, coming to the realization he was out. Thank the Lord.

He fought back. I just kept thinking left, right, left, right. My mom taught me self defense on the weekends. She never wanted me to feel unprotected. 'The most valuable protection you have is you. Fight and make it count.' Something was wrong I was being lifted off the ground. My wandering mind is going to get me in all sorts of trouble. He flung me at the back wall. He picked me up just to throw me again. This man was really putting up a fight. I threw myself at him. To say he was expecting it would be a lie. I felt like Captian America. I jumped up and with a swift kick to the temple, he was down. He rose. Apparently, roundhouse kicking a person just makes them angrier. I grabbed the fire extinguisher.

"You seem frightened. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I'm totally fine." I dove between his legs. "But you won't be."

I threw the extinguisher once more. It clunked him in the head. He stumbled backward. I planted a foot to his no-nos. Down goes the bomber. A knee to his face and out goes the bomber.

"Now what kamikaze? Now what? Not so big and bad now are you?" I boasted around his body.

Probably not the best thing to do. What if he jumped back up? I just pictured him grabbing my leg. My guard would've been all sorts of down. He could've ended me right then and there. We're going to put this in the notes for next time. Make sure the bad guy is away before we start our happy dance. That would make for a better story.

I heard sirens at least 5 miles away. I grab kamikaze and dragged him outside. I tied him to the meter. Sentry was still lying on the ground. I nudged him and he didn't move. What if he's dead. Check his pulse stupid. I placed my hands approximately 2 inches from his collarbone. Steady rhythm. He's alive. I threw his limp body over my shoulders and headed towards the bridge.

I laid Sentry down. Wake up. Please wake up. I lightly kicked him with my foot.

"Okay, you can wake up now," I said leaning over his body.

"You did well." He said smiling the biggest smile I've ever seen.

"Thanks. Are you all right?" I asked offering a hand.

Sentry stood and took a bow. There weren't any bruises. All he had was a cut on his cheek. I got thrown around the room and all he got was a cut. I dodged miniature bombs. Yet he is okay. This boy seriously has some nerve.

"You're fine?" I asked in disbelief

This is blasphemous. He looked at his watch and hopped off the bridge.

"You learn fast. See you soon." He winked.

Sailing away and he looked back. That's always been a sign. In all the books, movies, and songs if they look back they like you. He likes me. How? We have been fighting crime for 12 weeks. The longest conversation we had was about other superheroes and that ended with us arguing. None of this makes sense. How would he know he likes me? It's probably all in my head. Nothing is ever going to happen between us. I am going crazy. I'm thinking about having a relationship with a man in my sub-conscience. This is weird.

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