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"What the hell is that?"

I didn't want to turn around. That is not what you want to hear. I know I have to turn around. I mean who is going to save the world if I don't?

"On the count of three. One." Breathe. It can't be that bad. "Two." We have to save Avery. "Three."

I shouldn't have turned around. He looked like a demon from the fiery pits of hell. No worse. I can't even imagine what that would be but that exactly what The Void looked like. He was fierce and those tendril things coming out of his body. What in the world? 

Save The World. That's the mission. I wasn't prepared for this.  His eyes were red and I could feel the fear coursing through my body. This is what the entrance to hell looks like. Fight..or flight?

"Kinsley watch out!" Holland screamed.

Too late. I was flying towards someone's car. I'm so sorry I hope the government pays for those damages. This is some shit. What's up with people throwing people into stuff?

"Avery are you in there?" I asked struggling to get up.

"Avery no longer exist." He said back.

I teleported around him looking for something, anything to tell me Avery was in there.

A tendril flew at me and I was flying into something else. A building. That shit hurt.

I stuck out my arm. I didn't know if this would work. I doubt it will. I did my research and if, if I can pull this off it might be our only hope. I'm not strong enough to defeat him alone.

"Kinsley, what the hell are you doing?" Alex rang in my ears.

"I don't know." I raised my arm with more purpose. "I think it's our only chance to survive."

Everyone went silent. The Void was getting closer. I was exhausted. I didn't plan on fighting him and Kamikaze on the same day. I thought we had more time.


Avery was running towards me.

"That's not Avery." Cam spoke

"Yeah, no shit honey!" I was terrified.

Avery would never shout my true identity in public like that. He's the one who taught me about how important secret identities were.

I tried dodging him. Not today. He grabbed my legs. You know that scene in the very first avengers movie with Loki and Hulk? Where Hulk slams Loki like a rag doll? Just like that but longer. I tried standing. He just knocked me back down.

"You can't win this Insomniac. This battle was not meant for you. You brought this upon yourself."

We were in the air. When did we get up here? He tossed me up. Fly dammit fly. He pushed me midway down with his fist. This was the worst fight I have ever been in.

My flag was damn near waving. I couldn't take another blow like that. I felt like I was being tossed around by the hulk*10. Lying there in the hole my arm still raised. Why was I putting so much effort into this? No one else was. I know there is someone out there who knew about this. Where were they? Am I seriously the only one willing to fight it?

"Insomniac is that really all you have?"

Yeah, Void it is. But you'll never know that. I got up. Hand still raised. I flew into the air. If I'm going to lose, I'm going to lose giving every bit of myself.

"You're still trying to defeat me? How cute." His tendrils begin to extend towards me. "I believe this is the end of you."

"No!" I heard from the streets.

It was Alex. What was she doing outside of the van?

"Go back!" I shouted. "Now!"

He had averted his attention towards her. Not today satan. I flew down in front of her. This was going to end badly I just knew it. For who? I think me.

His tendrils were still extending as I projected all around him. Everyone ran out of the van. My arm was still raised. I'm not giving up. This is not the way we lose. He reached out for the projections. Making then disappear as I tried to replaced them.

"What is that?" Holl pointed towards the clouds.

"I can't believe it." Cam was shook.

"She's worthy." Hunter breathed.

Mjölnir fit in my hand like a glove. I was worthy. It was real. They were real. Kinsley, not the time to fangirl. Back to business. My projections disappeared.

Oh no. He had the team. Why is my attention span that of a flipping squirrel? You got this Kinsley. The battle is now yours.

"Put them down Void!"

"I don't think so."

"Hold on tight y'all." I swung Mjölnir and the hammer flew out of my hands with grace. Mjölnir hit the Void in the chest sending him into several buildings. I raised my arm sending Mjölnir right back to me. The Void was dazed. His tendrils released my friends. They ran.

"Run away. Far away."

Camden stayed behind. Of course, she did, a massive geek if you ask me. It's what I would've done. she whipped out her phone and started recording. Superheroes existed and if we wanted people to know that supervillains were a threat we had to get them on film. It was logic.

"Oh Void." I shouted. "Is that all you've got?"

"You wish, bitch."

That is not my name. Remember Kinz keep your cool. He knows things. Let's change his future.

I swung Mjölnir left and right. I landed every single blow. I felt like this was my destiny. After a few minutes of this my arms were exhausted. I threw Mjölnir once more with all my might. The hammer lead the Void into several more builds. He was more than dazed. I picked up Mjölnir and glided through the air. Then down onto the voids body is where we landed with force.

"Sentry listen to me. I know you're in there. Can you give a message to my friend? Tell him he's not evil. He's not a drug addict. His brain isn't a mess like Roberts was. He is a genius and a visionary. He is better than Robert could have ever been and he can overcome the void. The Void wants to destroy everything good on Earth but that's not who you are. You're a superhero who hasn't destroyed anything, at least not on purpose."

His body began to twitch.

"You are the best person for this job because you can handle it. You know what you have to do. It was never about me defeating the Void. Robert had issues but you aren't him. No matter what the Void tries to tell you. You aren't Robert. You are Sentry. You are the Void. You are you."

"No. Don't listen to her." The Void began to struggle under Mjölnir. "She's lying."

"You're right, Insomniac." Sentry surfaced. Only for a second but he was definitely there.

Avery's body began to shift from Sentry to the Void like he was having a seizure. I wanted to help but everything in me told my body to leave. I couldn't leave Camden. She was hidden but not well enough. I flew and grabbed her. Her camera was still focused on the Void.

It was like an explosion I couldn't get farther away from. The light was blinding. So blinding I couldn't take my eyes away. A couple of buildings went down. No one knows what happened. It happened too fast. The video recorded everything except where Avery went. After the smoke was clear enough to see I flew back to where he should've been. I placed Camden on the ground and got closer. He was gone. Mjölnir was laying on a pile of dust. The rest of my friends had run over. I couldn't stop crying. He was gone. Was he alive? Was he dead? Who the hell knows? I sure don't. I was overwhelmed with emotions.

"What did I just do?" I looked up at them.

No one said anything.

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