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Three nights of chasing villains in San Francisco. Silver Lining, Kamikaze, and Adversity. All of them have their own vendetta against people here. 2 of them being me. Going to school today will basically be the death of me. This whole fighting in my sleep thing isn't the greatest idea my sub-conscience has ever had. If I don't go to school I'll have to go with Ge-off. Rather have my toes cut off so school it is.  Sweatpants and a hoodie for the win. I already know what Alex is going to say "You look like hell." "What happened to you?" "Did Ge-off kick you out?" She is my best friend has been since my locker incident. The one were the cheerleaders pushed me in a locker. Luckily it was her locker. She helped me out and has been the best friend I've ever had. Alexandria Watkins is life. She is always dressed to the nines. In nothing but AP classes. Smart and Gorgeous. I wish I portrayed that more but I care less. 

"Kinsley James what on God's green Earth are you wearing?" Close enough.

"Alex I didn't take you for the judgemental type." I pretended to be astonished.

"I'm not. It's just you've worn this outfit every Friday for the last month and a half." She fiddled with her lock. "You really need to see a doctor. Insomnia isn't something to play with."

She was on to something.  I wasn't something to mess with. Insomniac is coming for ya dreams. I grabbed my books for AP Physics. Waved Alex off and ran to class. I could not be late for Mr. Withers class. I walked in 2 seconds before the bell, taking a seat next to Henry. 

"Today we will be assigning partners for our annual science fair."

A science fair? Really? I thought that was for middle school. I guess it'll give me time to show my latest project. Please let me work with Henry. He'll let me do all the work. That means guaranteed A. 

"Henry and Melissa."

Oh, fart!

"Kinsley and Avery."

No. No. No! Not Avery. He will try and take over the entire project and that's my job. 

"Everyone go meet up with your partners and plan your projects."

I sat down with Avery. He looked at me and I at him. 

"You look like terrible. Do you sleep?"

"Thanks, that's what every girl wants to hear."

I remember when I first told Sentry what my name should be. I always knew what my name would be. I believe Sentry did too. That was something else unspoken between us. He always respects my decisions. No matter what. That doesn't mean he agrees every time though. He is just very understanding. 'Wise beyond his years' as my grandma would say. She said people like that are worth keeping around for a lifetime. I wondered how she would know that? She was so smart. 'Support your peers and watch how they support you.' That was her motto.

"Insomniac!" I blurted. 


"My name. Insomniac. I think it fits me more than anything else will." 

"I like it. Welcome to the superhero club, Insomniac. Only the toughest of the tough and the bravest of the brave survive."

"Sentry, I got this."

"I know."

That was all that needed to be said. From then on it was us fighting crime. If we weren't, we were sitting on the bridge. Sometimes talking and other times just enjoying the view. I wouldn't say Sentry and I are friends but we have this special connection. He gets me like no one else, not even Alex. The only other person I had a connection like this with is my dad before he lost his mind. I mean he wasn't always a pile of garbage. I remember him taking me out for ice cream when I fell off my bicycle. I was 6 years old. I cried for that bike. It was red and blue. I just had to have it. My mom said it was a waste of money because I didn't even know how to ride a bike. I wanted to learn. It reminded me of Spiderman and I had to ride it. I practiced riding that bike up and down the driveway for hours every day. It took me months to figure it out. When I thought I was ready I made my dad take off my training wheels. I snatched off my elbow and knee pads. I ran in the house and put on my special biking outfit. I thought if I wasn't going to be a superhero like Spiderman than I'd be a BMX biker like Kittie Weston-Knauer. I got on my bike and started pedaling. I was riding my bike. I was so proud of myself. I had trained so hard and I was achieving my goal. I could hear my parents cheering me on from the yard. I was so excited I didn't see Mr. Randolph's mailbox. I slammed right into it, hard. I flung off my bike and scraped my knee and face. Almost knocked out a tooth. My dad ran and scooped me up like a lost puppy. He held me close. My mom grabbed me out of his arms and looked me up and down. She started crying as she carried me back to the house. My dad gathered my bike and followed close behind. He felt so horrible. He continually apologized the entire walk home. I insisted I was fine, nothing but a couple scrapes. After dinner that night he took me for ice cream. We sat down being swallowed by silence for 10 minutes. He cried. 

"Daddy, why are you crying?"

I can hear his response clear as day in my head. The trail off of his words. The sadness and hurt in his voice. Things I didn't notice when I was 6.

"With great power comes great responsibility. Voltaire said that as well as Uncle Ben. It's crazy to think about how true that statement is. One day you will have great power, coffee bean."

Coffee bean. I miss being called coffee bean. I miss ice cream talks. I miss my dad. After that night he was never the same. We didn't go out or talk, he began to close himself off. Donald was never the one to just use his family but drugs were involved. He started missing work and being out all hours of the night. Soon enough he stole my mom's car, money, and pride. Something happened that day and I lost the only real connection I've ever had. My mom became a look over parent. As long as I didn't seem to be in trouble or danger I was fine. We both lost something that day. She lost the only good man she'd probably ever have. When he left that wasn't who he was. It was like a switch clicked and another person took over. Maybe one day he'll come back and explain why he did what he did. Wishful thinking is what's that's called. I should focus on the things that I can fix. Like this science project. This boy is going to drive me up a wall. 

"Let's do an exploding volcano." Avery nonchalantly spoke.

"Let's not. Every time there's a project everyone does a volcano. Let's be different. How about a fully operating solar system? I mean all the works." I turned to him.

"I do know a kid who can program some things." He began to perk up.

"So do I." I nodded at him. I hate boring projects. I want the planets to rotate and levitate almost. I want to finish creating a gravitation force. I think with Avery's smarts we can complete it. I also want to finalize the replication of the planets. I've been working on this project for years. I kind of excited Mr. Withers has science projects. This is going to be so fun. 

"I'll be expecting something spectacular from you, Ms. James." Mr. Withers pointed at me.

"Do I ever disappoint?" I smirked.

He laughed a little. I walked towards my locker with Avery right on my heels. Alex was already at hers. 

"I was thinking for the party, we should invite all of the seniors." Alex looked at Avery and I.

"You're having a party and we have a project due in 3 weeks?" Avery seemed surprised.

"Uh yeah. This project was started years ago. Do you know how long it takes to replicate the exact molecular structure of all 8 planets? Forever, all I'm missing is Neptune. She is 12 years in the making. I deserve a break. Next weekend I'm all yours but this weekend I belong to Jack and Grey."

"You're not even legal." Avery seems like a worry wart. Cute but annoying. "How are you getting it?"

"Everyone except Jay and Sydni are invited. Them? Together? Oh hell no!" Jay and Sydni seem to share the same blood. They had nothing in common except their hate for me. Ever since my mom and I moved in it's like their blood boiled just for me. They plot against me so often it's ridiculous. It's not even fair. It's two of them and one of me. They could ruin my party and that's not happening this weekend. 

"I'll get the news out. See you tomorrow night." Alex sashayed away. "You too Avery."

"Text me with the addy." He put a card in my hand and walked away. 

Did he really just- Kinsley what is happening?

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