Train Ride

41 1 7

1 Am in the morning

"Eliza? when will we go back home?" She shrugged yawning "Someday but in maybe some days or so" Lucas looked at friends, "Peppermint? do you know where we're going?" He shrugged reading the map he got "My Mom says she has a brother outside of inkwell named uhh Truffles I think" Lucas looked out of the window "Oh," he saw a quick glimpse of his grandfather the devil he kinda gasped a bit "What the?" Devil appeared in the window again. Lucas shook his head and saw nothing he picked up his poker chip imp "Hey little buddy I know you're tired and all but keep an eye on us please" the poker chip nodded and went to his shoulder and stayed awake while Lucas and his friends slept.

8 Am in the morning

You sat in your office clearly depressed after Dice told you the train left after they showed up, an imp tried to talk to you resulting you throwing your Trident in a angry manner "Leave me The F*CK Alone!" the imp ran away, Dice saw the imp running away and knocked on your office door "Y/n you can't stay in there forever" he heard sobbing and opened the door walking in hearing you say "Go Away, I want to be alone Right now" you looked away from Dice, he sighed "Y/n we're all worried about the children and all but we're worried about you," you looked at him and looked away from Dice again "Just leave me be" you teleported into a Die house Dice sighed and left your office Devil showed up in a mirror and saw everything.

1 hour Later

Lucas woke up and looked around "Guys? where are we?" Eliza answered looking around the large room "Well we found this place while you were asleep and your poker chip imp went into your pocket," he looked around looking at some things "huh, the lights work, let's go look around" they explored for half an hour and couldn't figure out where they are "Man why does it feel like we're at the Devil's casino?" Magnolia walked in looking at lucas "Hey you're awake great come on you'll never guess what we're in!" she ran to where the rest is they looked at each other and shrugged following her, Peppermint and Ocean looked around, Nyx and Hans we're busy figuring out on how to get the place lit up "Uh hey Nyx try that switch" she nodded and flicked the switch Magnolia walked over to them "Alright the lights are on" Lucas looked around in awe "This place is like the Devil's casino" Hans walked over looking around "well at least we know that everything works," Nyx looked around too "Well we're cleaning up this place if we're staying" Lucas looked at a old craps table and looked inside "Whoa! Dice and Poker chips! that means new little friends!" They smiled and started to clean up the place.

With You

You sighed looking over the patrons and making sure they don't cheat even when they did cheat you would throw them out or take their souls without hesitation "That'll teach them not to cheat" you walked up to the bar "Chips, whiskey real strong please?" he nodded and handed you your drink "Hey I Know you miss Lucas I miss him too but never know when he'll come back," you sighed drinking your alcoholic beverage you looked at Chips and sighed looking away.

With Lucas and his friends

After all the Cleaning they all grew tired and sleepy "Hey what time is it?" Magnolia looked at the sky "Um pretty sure it's 8 pm, plus the rooms are still intact and no damage so let's go get some sleep" they agreed and walked to their separate rooms Lucas looked at the poker chips and dice he saved in his pockets on his nightstand about to fall asleep he heard a voice in a mirror and sat up looking around "Hello?" the voice replied "Hello Lucas, My you've grown since I've been gone" he looked at his room's mirror "Where are you? Who are you?" Devil showed up in his mirror "How do you not remember your own grandfather?" Lucas looked at the mirror "My Grandfather? I haven't met him in years, and how do I know if you're really my grandfather?" Devil sighed and explained everything  "and as you can see I'm ruling Hell until I let someone else rule. I want to see your mother again my family," Lucas looked at him "Grandpa Devil when are you coming back?" he wiped his eyes reminding Devil what happened 7 years ago he sighed "Well I guess I could let my imps check hell every now and then, I guess what I'm saying is I'm coming back" Lucas looked at Devil and smile "Grandpa Devil how are you going to be able to come back?" he sighed and poofed out of the mirror trident in hand "Good to be out of Hell, now what is this place?" Lucas had to explain.

10 pm

You sat next to Chips reading a book "Chips what if I said that I would like another child?" he blushed and looked at you "Are you sure? I mean lucas would be okay with a sibling and you would go through 9 months of Hell and what I'm saying is" you kissed just to shut him up, "Is it a yes?" he nodded and smiled a bit, Pirouletta had the same idea

2 hours later

You were managed to get some sleep after a while you still worry about Lucas and his friends making you toss and turn for a while of course everyone worries for their kids.

Another pages done Enjoy!!

A Hellish Adventure  (A continuation of the Butterfly birthmark)Where stories live. Discover now