your uncertainty feeling kept coming on and off Chips and the cup brothers were the only ones who noticed and announced "Hey Guys! let's play a game of truth or dare!" they cheered including your brothers and sister, you smiled and sat down Chips looked at Cuphead "Cuphead Truth or dare?" Cuphead being the dareDevil in your book took yelled out "Dare!" you snickered at the dare chips is thinking of "I dare you to go outside Shirtless and sing at the top of your lungs" Cuphead Shrugged and took his shirt off walking out into the lobby with you and everyone else watching.
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Someone threw a shoe at him everyone snickered including you he walked back with a black eye "Someone threw a shoe at me" Chips snickered "Maybe for a good cause" you rolled your eyes laughing Cuphead yelled a bit "Then here's another good cause! I dare you to spend the rest of the Game in a flapper Dress!" Chips Scoffed "easy" he walked to a wardrobe and took his shirt and vest off putting the flapper dress on
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"Howdy Fellas, How'd I loook?" You snickered holding in a laugh wheezy yelled "Take the Damn Boots off!" Cuphead laughed Phear had a unamused face "Like you might bring this entire business down just with that" Everyone else was laughing a bit Mangosteen looked at Mr.Chimes and nodded laughing you gave Mangosteen an idea "Hey Mango don't you have a dare for chips?" he nodded and went up to chips fast
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"Truth or dare!! Truth or dare!" Chips rolled his eyes in a jokingly "Dare!! Come on, Let's step it up!" Mangosteen smiled "I Dare you to Kiss Wheezy!" Wheezy made a what face Chips smiled Wheezy laughed as if it was a joke "Ahaha No" Chips started walking towards him Wheezy backed away "No!" then jumped over a counter yelling "NO!" Chips chased after him Rum and cuphead caught wheezy while Chips was walking towards him
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You watched laughing your ass off as Pirouletta asked you "Truth or dare Y/n?" You looked at the ceiling and smiled "Dare!" Pirouletta looked at the stage and smiled at you "I dare you to sing infront of the casino patrons" you sighed and smiled "alright," you walked onto the stage and took a deep looking at the audience and started singing everyone started staring at you, Devil went to Hell cause cuphead somehow managed to get there Dice walked down and saw everyone staring at you on the stage while you sang Chips stared still in a flapper dress Devil walked up to Dice giving him a kiss on the cheek "Hey dice, what's going on?" Dice pointed obviously proud, you looked to your left and smile as your song ended you bowed and walked off the audience clapped, Chips only heard you sing once and that was when you were 3 years old. Pirouletta looked at you "well you did great on stage, you should perform like your dad used to" you blushed out of embarrassment "Pirouletta, come on I can't perform like my dad used to and what happened to cuphead?" You pointed to cuphead who was still covered in ash She shrugged "Someone gave him a dare to go to Hell and see how far he'll get through" you looked at the floor and asked why it was on fire and again explained. Dice walked in and put the fire out with an fire extinguisher "Whoa!" Devil followed dice Bendy and Monopoly looked at each other and shrugged, Ella was doing a dare from Phear lap to chase wheezy with her terrifying doll "Ella please keep that thing away from me!" you snickered at that and looked at Dice and Devil "Hey Dads," you waved while dice had a smile on his face "We saw you perform and it was a great performance!" your blush grew redder out of embarrassment "Daad" Devil ruffled up your (H/L) hair and smiled "He ain't wrong, your performance is great" you smiled "Thanks Dads," they smiled, your uncertain feeling went away for now.
The credit goes to the original owner of the drawings, and enjoy