More Homeschooling

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6 in the morning

A couple of imps walked into Layla's Room doing their routine and saw Mordred sighing "Miss Layla, Mordred time to get up time for homeschool" Layla slowly sat up yawning getting out of her bed heading to her Wardrobe to pick out an outfit "I'll just wear this lavender suit" she pushed the imps out of her room and put her suit on opening her door, Mordred unknowingly wagged his imp tail "Layla you look good in lavender," she smiled heading to the library she bumped into Mike and Pirouletta "Hi Mr. Mike! Hi Mrs.Pirouletta!" they waved she entered the Library reading about souls and how to take them "oh so it comes naturally" an imp teleported in with some drinks and snacks "Miss Layla your aunt requested that we bring you some drinks and snacks for you" of course Ella was the type of aunt to spoil their nieces and nephews and yet not spoiled she's been equally protective of her family, Mordred didn't like working for Druid  but loves working with Layla "So Layla what are you learning about now?" she looked at him and shrugged "just reading" he nodded sitting there looking through some books

2 hours later

Layla yawned shutting the book and got up getting a real cold breeze in the Room looking at her breathe "not again, Mordred?" he ran next to Layla looking around seeing his breathe as well "I know this cold air Zozo." He growled and looked around he heard Layla Scream and saw Zozo holding her by the back of her shirt "Zozo! Put her down!" he laughed and Mocked him "Or What little impy gonna call for help from the big guy himself?" you appeared right behind him and grabbed your Daughter "yes he did Call the big guy HERself" he froze and slowly looked at you "Mrs. Devil/Decker! what a Surprise! I was just gonna take the youngest lady to her room" you didn't buy it "Nice try Layla told me EVERYTHING" he froze and backed down, it was actually Mordred who secretly signaled all cameras all around the casino you happen to see what's happening and took action "if I see you anywhere near my family again All Hell will break Loose!" he nodded and ran away,

7 pm

You sat in your office reading some soul Contracts looking at your daughter "Now Layla Always deal with a person who is extremely desperate need willing to sell their soul no hesitation, Alright?" she nodded smiling taking notes then yawns "Mama can I go to bed?" you nodded smiling "Yeah go ahead kiddo Chips will be in to tuck you in" she walked to her room yawning,

7:30 Pm

Layla layed down while looking at her father that was tucking her in giving her a kiss on her forehead "G'night kiddo" he walked out and opened the door walking to your bed laying down "so what happened in the Library?" you shrugged sighing "Zozo tried kidnapping our Daughter, we're all Staying high alert with Layla." Chips looked at you sitting up "Why not just teach her some attacks get some more bonding done, Besides I bonded with Lucas and man we both just played craps and Poker" you smiled sitting up too "Good Idea," Chips looked at your window seeing Lucas using three blankets to climb down "Lucas we can see you, just use the back door and be back before 9:40-ish" Lucas nodded climbing up and went to the back door running to hang out with his friends, you sighed "Lucas better not try THAT again He could've gotten hurt" Chips agreed with you on that nodding "Yeah, Layla better not sneak out like that in her teen years oh man I don't want to go through a week of her trying to murder everyone cause of her you know what" you shrugged patting his back "We all dealt with Eliza's puberty and I'm sure we'll handle Layla's now get to bed" you layed down falling asleep He fell asleep too.

Finished this page enjoy!

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