Mordred Days 2

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Mordred woke up to Layla having a Nightmare looking at the clock "I guess it's time to wake her up" he walked up to her shaking her awake lightly "Layla time to get up" she woke up with sweat dripping off her forehead "What time is it?" he looked concerned at her sat down "it's 7 in the morning, did you have a Nightmare?" she nodded looking at her blankets "Yeah but why'd I wake up in Hell?" he looked at her and answered "Eh, well it might be your great grandfather's other imp playing tricks on you. but damn I didn't realise he'd go that far with the dream  thing." Layla got up and walked up to her new wardrobe picking out a simple outfit heading to her bathroom then started to brush her teeth "So Mordred what do you want to do?" he thought about what to do and got an idea "Well we can always go to the carnival here on the mainland, how about it Layla" she smiled and nodded opening the door to her room "Yeah! right after breakfast cause everyone just seems busy lately even Lucas" he had noticed that the past two weeks and shrugged "Okay let's get breakfast and head out" he opened the door letting layla go through first walking to the kitchen "I think Boris and Alice made breakfast, but jeez I'm 7 years old already but didn't celebrate my birthday I guess that's why they're stressed" Mordred looked at layla helping her get on a chair "Ms.Layla you can't assume things that might not be true, but tell you what when we get to the carnival I'll teach you about size and height changing your Mother never learned that because Devil was busy so I'll teach being the Devil's granddaughter you might have his abilities" she nodded and smiled looking around for everyone then grabbed an Apple biting it "let's go!" they both ran to the carnival looking at the rides and stands for a while they both headed to a nearby forest looking for a clearing finding a Good spot,

"Okay Layla now think of of the size  you want, it's simple" she kept thinking about a size and grew without realizing it and gave up "Mordred I don't think it's gonna work. I can't change my size!" she looked down to where Mordred is "Wow You look like an ant, did you shrink or what?" he climbed up a tree getting out of breath "I didn't shrink you grew, oh man can I get on your shoulder?" she nodded and held her hand out putting it on her shoulder then asked "Uhh how do I change back to my original size?" he explained it "Same way you grew, but you get smaller, now you can use this as a defense mechanism" she nodded while smiling getting to her normal size getting him off her back "Remind me to get you off my back when I shrink" they laughed heading back for lunch "Oh man today has been so much Fun!" she heard a couple of voices that belong to her classmates "Layla! over here!" they walked to the small group "Hi Sugar pot, Hi Coral and hi Annie Acorn," they all talked about how they saw her change size from a distance Mordred getting slightly jealous held Layla close she petted him lightly getting him to calm down "Darn it Layla you know my weak spots" they all looked at Mordred and awed at the imp Layla invited them to the casino she's living in for awhile "Come on I'm sure my family won't mind," they all chatted on the way there Mordred opened the doors walking in. He saw you and Chips talking about something and looked back at Layla and her friends "who wants to watch a movie?" they all agreed Layla saw her brother "Hey Lucas! you want to watch a movie with us?" he looked at his phone and back at Layla "sorry Sis, me and Aylo are making plans for a date," she sighed and walked to pick out a movie finding a Good horror movie of  the whole Chucky movie series "Okay I found one!" her three classmates looked excited "Awesome! we'll go get the popcorn" she put in the movie watching some previews waiting for her friends looking at the Movie Menu waiting for 2 hours looking at the time hearing you call "Layla Dinner time" she got up and walked to the kitchen sitting on a chair "Hey Mom," Chips looked at her clearing his throat "Layla kiddo are you feeling alright?" she nodded looking at her plate poking at her food "I waited two hours for the popcorn." he looked at you asking for assurance to Layla. You nodded walking to your Daughter "Okay forget dinner how about Straight to ice cream huh?" she nodded smiling a bit and asked where you and everyone else were. You shrugged "We were in town because we had to get things for the place, sorry we didn't tell you kiddo" she smiled and pulled you in for a hug then after dinner you,Chips and Layla watched a movie with popcorn you've made after an Hour Mordred and Layla fell asleep

7 A.m.

Layla walked with Mordred to school they talked for awhile minding their own business she heard someone call her "Hey Devil/Decker!" Mordred recognized that voice and started growling getting defensive the boy looked at the Grayish imp and asked Layla "Um Layla you want to hang out with me after school? and bring your cat or whatever he is" Mordred has a bad feeling about and tried to pull Layla away from him she pulled her arm away from his "Uh sure, but what's your name I never seen you in school" he smiled shrugging walking alongside with layla "Oh I just moved here from uhh New York! yeah New York" of course Mordred knows something is up and ran up to Layla reminding her "Layla sorry to interrupt but your Mother says that you can't stay out late, because you are still in danger and as your protector imp" Layla looked really annoyed "Well tell my Mom that I'm hanging out with a friend" they walked past Mordred and carried on with the school day Mordred sighed and waited outside the school looking at some flowers hearing the school bell ring he smiles getting up fast to greet Layla trying to make her laugh. She only rolled her eyes at him "Mordred tell my Mom I'm gonna be at a friend's house" he looked at her feeling hurt and growled walking away back to the casino talking to himself "Mr.Druid was Right, imps shouldn't feel love not even towards a Devil," he looked at the casino walking to the garden sitting on a bench then sits up real fast "Arthur! I knew that Slyness and Tomfuckery was familiar! I gotta go find Layla" He ran to the same direction of the school  and followed Layla's scent  "This way" running to the location "Arthur is so Dead".

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