8 years later

23 0 0

3 A.m.

Layla now 14 years old waited for everyone to fall asleep to sneak out "Mordred get up we're going back to Inkwell, Lucas is coming too" he looked at her yawning and stretching wiping his eye "Alright I'm up." She picked up the tired imp carrying him slowly opening her door "Psst Lucas" Lucas walked up to her door carrying a couple of bags "Ya ready little sis? I left a note saying we're travelling they'll text us if they get worried" she nodded grabbing her bag still carrying Mordred. All three of them arrived at the docks boarding the boat Layla looked at the captain and waved "Captain good to see you" he tipped his hat and walked onto the boat starting it up as it started to move Layla looked at the far off island she knew in her childhood and sighed Lucas looked at his sister "Hey you feeling Alright?" she nodded using a fake smile and he knew it too well raising an eye brow "Layla I know you're faking a smile c'mon tell your big brother on what's up? is something the matter?" she looked at the water sighing "I've been having nightmares about Fuckington actually making me use my powers on everyone that is dear to me," Lucas looked at his sister pulling her into a hug "how long has this been happening?" she looked at the floor and answered "Since I was 8, I never told anyone of these reoccurring dreams because I keep thinking about how mom and dad would react and I've already seen mom Angry" Lucas looked at her and slightly chuckled "Heh, I still remember when I kept your secrets," she smiled they both heard the boat horn looking at the captain he yelled "Inkwell straight ahead!" he walked down getting rope to tie the boat down "Ya sure you want to stay around here? it looks abandoned Hell probably haunted after 8 years" they Nodded grabbing their things walking around the old beach and carnival grounds Layla looked at a familiar tent "Hey Lucas look it's Djimmi's tent and there's Bon Bon's candy castle let's go check out the castle" they all looked inside the castle getting their flashlights Lucas looked at a old portrait "Mr.Cuphead, Mrs.Bon Bon" he heard something behind them grabbing his sister and her Imp finding a hiding place whispering "quick turn off the flashlights" she nodded turning off the flashlights they stayed quiet and kept listening "Cuphead you sure it's safe to wander around during dawn what if he's look for the rest of the Inkwell residence?" he instantly recognized that voice and accidentally asked out loud "Mr.Mugman?" he gasped covering his mouth. The voices stopped with one of them asking "Mugs did you hear that? Who's in here? show yourselves" Layla hesitated on opening the door Lucas opened the door keeping his sister behind him he nervously said "Um Hi Mr.Mugman and Mr.Cuphead long time no see" they both looked at each other and recognized the siblings "Layla! Lucas! and Mordred, it's been years where have you all been?" he looked at them smiling "Heh long story," Layla heard her stomach growl "uh Lucas do you have something I can snack on?" he shrugged looking through his bag getting a fruit salad for her "Here eat this Layla" Cuphead gestured them to follow him and Mugman "Come on I'm sure everyone will be happy see you all" they Nodded following them looking at their surroundings and Cagney's old Garden Layla looked at her brother.

At Mugman's house

Mugman and Cuphead looked around to make sure they weren't followed and knocked Layla looked confused looking at Mordred "Man things have changed" Bon Bon answered the door motioning them to come inside they nodded walking inside looking around Cuphead opened up a door in the floor "Mugs come on Cala is already calling everyone for lunch" Mugman looked at his brother nodding Climbing down "Come on everyone in inkwell is down here" they climbed down trying not to slip. Mordred stayed close to Layla for safety reasons they heard people talking and laughter Lucas looked around for Aylo and his friends, Layla tried to follow Lucas but decided not to getting her bag "Hey Mordred wanna read a book for a while?" he nodded getting her books she packed snuggling up to her like a cat as she read her books.

10 pm

Layla nor Mordred couldn't sleep getting up slowly maneuvering around the Inkwell residence trying not to wake them up quietly making their way up to the surface hearing some voices and stopping to listen "Hey ya hear that boat this morning?" the other voice assuming male replied "Yeah, but I don't think that it was the devil's family heir. I don't want to harm the girl she's just the sweetest girl we've heard of" Layla looked at the floor door backing up hearing another thing "So what do you think Forkington's gonna do the poor devil?" the other voice replied "I would rather not talk about it, anyway we should get out of here, this place gives me the willies" after that she heard the door shut quietly opening the door and shutting it gently not to make a sound "Mordred?" he made a 'Hm?' sound she looked at him "What's so special about me and my powers if I'm half Devil and have what ever my other half is?" he looked at her and answered "Your other half is human you just forgot and your powers are special is because well uh" he looked at ground not wanting to finish, they heard the floor door open "Lucas what are you doing up?" he shrugged looking around "Eh I couldn't sleep and I heard what you two were talking about and well grandfather showed me a book when you were 9 years old he told me why forkington kidnapped you to bring his daughter back. even our angelic uncles told me about it that's why Mom and Dad was always protective of you and the main reason why Mordred wanted to be your protector/Future husband" Layla looked at the floor "that's why Forkington raised me for 6 years? so I could die to bring his daughter back and and why I'm always in danger." She hugged her knees feeling hurt and anger shaking looking up "Lucas go back to the others. I want to fight them alone" Mordred tried to stop her "Wait don't you need me to help you?" she nodded no "No I don't want you to get hurt on my watch just keep everyone down there distracted, I've planned everything out." She opened the door leading outside shutting the door heading to the devil's casino not feeling any fear only confidence and courage and a need to fight whistling for a cloud a big fluff of cloud flew down letting her on she told the cloud where to go "Cloudy Casino and on the roof please" it nodded and flew to the direction to the casino landing by the roof she smiled "Thanks Cloudy" it nodded and flew away.

Finally a new chapter enjoy and have a good Day Or night

A Hellish Adventure  (A continuation of the Butterfly birthmark)Where stories live. Discover now