Zozo's unannounced visit

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You sat in your office looking over some contracts and raised an eyebrow "Huh one's missing, Oh well" you continued looking through some things and heard a knock "uh come in?" the door opened and a unfamiliar voice started "Hello, are you Mrs.Devil/Decker?" you nodded looking up at the stranger "Yes and who might you be?" you raised an eyebrow he smiled and introduced himself "Oh I'm Zozo, Devil never mentioned on having such a lovely daughter" you groaned rolling your eyes "Get to the point" he kinda flinched and nodded "Of Course sorry I would like to know if you remembered about our meeting" you smacked your forehead "Crap! I forgot. come we'll talk on the casino floor" Layla watched Pirouletta on a roulette table and moved on to the next table spotting cheaters walking to tell chips "Excuse me, there's a cheater on table 5" he looked and nodded handing her a juice "Okay stay here and behave for the tipsy troop" he walked up to Mike telling him the situation nodding and walked back, Layla spotted you with a random person talking and heard muttering and whispers saying like 'That's Zozo' or 'Why is that Zozo here?' being a curious kid Layla is she snuck to where you and Zozo is sitting and tried to listen to your conversation "Zozo why are you really here?" she heard the other voice answer "Well you should know" you stand up fast, Layla quickly acted like she just got there "Mama? what's going on?" you looked at her sighing "Layla go to your father, I'm just talking to this Gentleman about things." Zozo looked at your daughter and raise an eyebrow you excused yourself picking your daughter up "Layla stay away from Zozo, he's not to be trusted in my book" she nodded while you sat her by the tipsy troop "keep an eye on her" they nodded. You  walked back to Zozo he started to act differently "now tell me what is this Meeting about?" he looked at you and answered "of course, I was telling you about how some demon children become of age" you interrupted "alright I'm gonna have to stop you right there" he stopped and looked at you "What are you even saying? huh?" you pulled up your trident "Well?" he looked at the ground thinking of an answer "I'm just saying that one of your kids is gonna end up being a boss like you" you sat back down "I see, well in that case this Meeting is over" Lucas walked in with his friends "Alright let's get this project done" they nodded following him to the library.

at Night

Zozo looked around for someone by the casino smoking a cigar and heard a throat being cleared "Are you the person who talked to me?" the figure nodded revealing Forkington "yes, I am I talked to you about my daughter they stole" Zozo made a 'hmm' face "Oh you mean Devil's Grandkid? funny she doesn't look like you, more like her Mother and father" Forkington sighed "Well they took something from me" he raised an eyebrow and asked "They did huh?" forkington nodded while Zozo got more curious "Who did they take from you?" he sighed looking at the ground "My daughter" Zozo looked at him "So why take their daughter, if they're gonna end up finding the kid anyway?" he thought about it and shrugged "They suffered for 6 years and that child saw me as a father tho I was the one who took her at a really young age" they both nodded on an agreement. unaware that someone was listening from their room Eliza she walked away from her window and ran to Layla's room turning her light on "Hey Layla you've been invited to a sleepover in my room come on" Layla sat up wiping her eyes looking at Eliza "Okay" she grabbed her pillow and blanket walking with Eliza to her room "Alright here's my room you can lay on the couch" Layla got on the couch and fell right back to sleep, Eliza smiled and went back to her bed going to sleep.

Finally got this page finished. ENJOY!

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