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Lucas shot up from his bed "Ow! Dammit this is the 3rd time this week, what in Hell's Name is going on with my head?" he got up and looked in the mirror moving his hair seeing stubs of horns forming on his head "I better hide these" he heard devil knock on his door "Lucas are you okay in there? I heard yelling" he opened his door "I'm fine my forehead is growing horns" Devil smiled "Oh don't worry about it kiddo, it runs in a demon family Your mother went through it, it'll last until after a month" Lucas rubbed his horn stubs "Oh well thanks for telling me" Eliza ran in "is everything alright? I heard yelling," They nodded "Yeah we're fine, I'm not used to my new horns yet" Eliza moved his hair slightly "No kidding, that is awesome" Devil walked up to a mirror seeing you "oh man I didn't know she's having another kid" Lucas raised an eyebrow "wait my mom is having another baby? how far along? I want to know" Devil looked at Lucas "well only after 2 months,"

with Moon

"Finally out of inkwell. Now where the hell am I?" she looked at the station name "New York huh?" she walked around for a while looking at a clock "7 pm, well those imps can't find me here" unaware an imp was tracking her down keeping Lucas and his friends safe from her wrath he thought to himself 'I Need to tell Devil that she's near his location' he poofed away,

With Devil

"Mr.Devil sir, That Moon Lady is almost near your Location what can we do?" Devil scratched his chin and thought about it "Alright here's the plan" He told his imp his plan with the imp nodding and agreeing with the details "Well I guess she won't know what hit her" They walked out, Lucas looked around the whole building "Man this place is big" he opened some doors "Well found the ballroom, what do you think little buddy?" The poker chip imp looked around and nodded, He smiled "Party! Hey Guys! you'll never guess what I found!" his friends walked to his location and looked around "Whoa, and did somebody say party?" He nodded walking to the cleaning supplies "Let's clean up, if we're gonna have a party" They smiled and started cleaning up. Devil walked with his imp "Well how close is she now?" they talked for a while, they heard Lucas running up to them "Grandpa! Grandpa! can we host a party please?" Devil looked at him and shrugged "why the hell not, but we all know I have to be in my human form and you have to hide your horns got it?" Lucas Nodded.

With You

You sat next to Dice talking "Oh and Y/n this came in the mail for you and Pirouletta and everyone in Inkwell" You looked for who it was from opening you instantly recognize the handwriting "It's from Lucas! and he grew his Horns? cool" you heard Pirouletta's Happy voice. You smiled brightly and opened your office door walking to the casino floor. "attention Staff members and Family" catching everyone's attention your siblings looked at you "I got word from our kids in 'New York' I Think" Ella smiled "is he doing alright?" You nodded with a smile "We're closing the casino tomorrow," you walked off ending the announcement.

Finally finished anyway enjoy and etc etc

A Hellish Adventure  (A continuation of the Butterfly birthmark)Where stories live. Discover now