Mordred Days

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Mordred sat on Layla's bed looking around "Yup you sure do have Devil's taste in music and Bands" Layla smiled watching a Hellish version of My little pony "Yeah, but not in shows after this episode we can do what ever and not make trouble in inkwell" Mordred shrugged and got up to walk around for a bit looking at Portraits of the devil over the years "Wow this place went to literal Hell and back" he managed to find your office and knocked receiving an answer "Yes? Come in" he opened the door and walked in "Nice office" You looked at Mordred and nod "Yes Thank you, now why'd you come to my office?" he shrugged starting to get nervous "Uh well um.." You stopped him before he could say anything "I think I understand on why you came to my office" he raised an eyebrow looking at you "You took a liking to someone here, yes?" he froze and acted as if you've read his Mind "well yes, but I don't know if you're grandfather even how I felt towards humans and all." You stood up and walked up to the first soul you took staring at it "I see, well, My sisters Ella and Clementine took a liking to someone as well both Humans I suggest you wait to tell your Feelings to the girl, now I have work to do so go walk around with Layla if there's any trouble call me" he nodded smiling a bit and walked out "Well Mr.Druid told me feelings are useless but that's not stopping anyone," he walked back to Layla's room knocking "Miss Layla would you like to go to the Carnival?" she turned her attention to the Greyish imp smiling "Hell yeah! let's go!" she grabbed his hand running down the stairs "We're going to the Carnival we'll be careful!" Lucas looked at His grandparents who had the look saying 'Better follow them' he sighed following Layla and Mordred "Hey Layla, wait up" she stopped looking at her big brother "yeah Lucas" he looked at his sister and looked around "I'm going with you, even though you have Mordred with you Zozo would end up tearing the guy up, besides us siblings stick together no matter what" she smiled while Mordred heard of Zozo and saw him as a trickster in hell and groaned "Zozo the killer trickster he makes making deals a joke"

At the Carnival

Layla looked at the cotton Candy stand and smiled walking up to it "Lucas! Lucas! Look cotton Candy is it literally Cotton with coloring in it?" Mordred looked at her in confusion and wondered what household raised her Lucas smiled and stood next to her "Three Cotton candies please?" the seller nodded handing him three sticks of cotton Candy "3 coins please" He handed him the coins handing the cotton Candy sticks to Mordred and Layla "Enjoy," he took a bite into the fluffy candy they too took a bite into the candy and smiled eating it Lucas smiled "I take it that you both never had cotton Candy before?" Mordred sighed "Well Your great grandfather said candy would make demons sweet so I was a bit scared to try" Layla nodded no "Forkington told me that would never grow if I ate this," Lucas sighed "Wow it's okay to eat candy it's not like we'll get into trouble" they all laughed and walked around Layla looked at the pyramid building and pointed to it "Lucas can we?" he shrugged walking with them to Djimmi's place "Hey Djimmi you here?" Djimmi appeared in some smoke "Yes I'm here, what'd you need?" All three of them looked at each other and shrugged Layla walked up to him and before she could say anything Djimmi talked "Miss Layla I know why you're here, to see what your future holds and then Mordred and then Lucas yes?" she nodded smiling and sat down along with Mordred and Lucas "Miss Layla I see, I see you would grow up as a fair lady and boss....But wait! I see two shadows entering your throne room they have a dark magic and someone you love is trying to protect I see darkness with only candle light this is a dark future wait wait someone is saving you from the figures and that someone is...Mordred" Layla sat there looking at Mordred and at Lucas he asked "What about Mordred's future Mr.Djimmi?" Djimmi made an 'Ah' sound and said "Well as for Mordred here his future is that he'll be Layla's Protector and possible future husband resulting in the protectiveness for her" Mordred sat there kinda flattered and stunned at the same time. Lucas smiled knowing his sister will be in good hands and doesn't want to know his future "Mr.Djimmi you don't have to me my future, I just wanted to know if Layla would be in good hands" Djimmi nodded smiling slightly "Well she will be in good hands but I don't know who the two figures were I may not know, anyway you three have a nice day beppi will be out in a bit" Beppi in the background was trying to put his shoes on "Oh come on you son of a Bitch shoes! get on my feet!" Layla looked and smiled giggling "Funny clown" Lucas smiled and snickered "Need Help Beppi sir?" he nodded "Yes, Thank you Lucas" he smiled and helped Beppi with his shoes "There you go Mr.Beppi" they walked out while Djimmi was trying to figure out on who the figures were Beppi knew how to calm him down "Djimmi honey I know how to calm you down, some of my jokes and Kisses!"

A Few Minutes Later

Lucas talked with Mordred about some crazy events going on while he was growing up "and then when Layla was Born she looked like my Grandpa Devil hell she even has his powers while I got my grandpa Dice's powers, crazy huh?" Mordred nodded and wondered who's powers you have and did notice that you did have a Seashell necklace "I was wondering why your Mom wears a Seashell necklace and I know she's had it since she was 3 years old" Lucas shrugged keeping an eye out for Forkington "she said that Mrs.Maria gave it to her when they threw her a party, hell Mom even let her cloud go unless she needed it, hey Keep an eye on Layla I'm gonna go win her a stuffed animal or object" Mordred nodded and sat there keeping an eye on Layla.


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