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Layla woke up to a sound of dragging getting up from her bed and walked up to her door opening it slightly seeing you and everyone else getting dragged from their rooms she looked closely without being seen. Mordred woke up to the sound too and jumped into protective mode opening another secret door "Lady clover come on we can't stay here," layla didn't move seeing some faces she recognized Mordred grabbed Layla's hand and ran to the secret door lightly pushing her through "Go go go" she slide through the door landing on a bush Mordred landed next to her looking up then gets up "Layla let's go, we gotta get out of here" She didn't budge then teared up shaking thinking about what was happening. He sighed and helped her up "Layla listen we have to leave as your protector I suggest that we leave before they catch us," layla looked at him and got up nodding as she started walking trying to stay out of sight Mordred looked around seeing a Die house opening it up shutting the door "Okay we're gonna have to stay low or do you know anyone who can cross the water to the main land," Layla nodded and looked at the mainland getting an idea "Well I know someone who can take us there" she looked at the docks grabbing Mordred's hand "Let's go" they ran to the docks getting on a boat before the captain can say all aboard they sat on their seats. The captain saw Layla getting on and started going to the mainland drinking his coffee.

2 hours Later

Mordred looked at layla who was still asleep sighing and heard the captain "Arriving at the Mainland!" Layla woke up looking around then stretched she got up and waited for the boat to arrive at the docks. The captain got up and went to tie the boat down he allowed Layla and Mordred to get off "Thanks Mister!" he tipped his hat and walked onto his ship. Mordred looked around seeing a abandoned casino in the distance pointing to it "Lady Clover look" they both ran to the location and made sure that no one was following them going inside "Nice Find Mordred let's get this place running on lights and get to uh..what do we do Mordred?" he thought about it and remembered "well I can help you run this place, but  when you come of age we'll help your family but for now I want you to have a childhood, you know anyone here on the mainland?" she nodded and motioned him to follow her running through the back door and into the woods to find the people she knew.

1 long Walk later

"There it is" they both walked up to the door knocking on it "Hang on be there in a second, Alice can you get it?" the second person responded "Sure Boris" they both waited patiently hearing the door handle turning then opening "Layla, how are you little sweet pea?" she saw the tiredness and fear in her eyes and brought her inside "Oh sweet pea, come sit as well as your little friend, want something to eat?" layla nodded "Bacon soup please Miss Angel" Boris walked out asking who was knocking and saw Layla and smiled "Little Layla long time no see, what brings you here?" Mordred cleared his throat "Well uh her family kinda got captured and dethroned from hell we got away and came here her idea not mine" Alice came back with a couple of bowls of bacon soup "Oh you poor dears, who would do such a thing?" Mordred looked at her and answered "Same people who tried to hurt her" layla looked at the bowl of soup and ate it "Good as always Mr.Boris and ms. Angel but we are going to be staying in the old casino my mama owned previously, and was wondering if you guys want to help me run the place?" they both looked at each other and nodded "Sure thing kiddo" They all walked back to the location being safe about it.

with you and everyone else

You paced around wondering where Layla was making everyone worry and looked at Chips motioning to assure you that Layla is fine and probably hiding somewhere he nodded and walked up to you "Y/n It's okay layla might be hiding who knows maybe even hiding with someone we know," Lucas looked around and asked Dice "Grandpa Dice? where are we at?" Dice looked at his surroundings and stood up "We're in one of my Die houses I raised your mom in one of them mainly the one close to isle one of inkwell" while you and Chips talked Devil sniffed the air and smelled a familiar scent going to a window and sniffed again "She was here" Mike walked to the window "She was? but where was she going?" everyone gave their guesses on where  you remembered your old casino you owned and yelled "My old casino!" they looked at you and remembered that too "Oh yeah now we remember" they heard a phone ring in one of the rooms you walked to a room opening a door looking at the phone picking it up "Hello? Devil/Decker residence Y/N Devil/Decker speaking" you heard layla in the background "Hang on kiddo, Hey Y/n your daughter and imp are here on the mainland she wants to talk to you here you go kiddo" Layla took the phone "Hi Mama! Hi Daddy! Hi everyone!" They all called out "Hi Layla!" you smiled "Hi sweetie we'll be over in a couple of days stay Safe Layla" Layla smiled and nodded "Okay Mama I'll wait for you guys" you both said your goodbyes and hung up. you walked out of the room standing by the door way "Alright everyone we're going back to the mainland to be a family Again, Dethroned or not we're still a family no matter what the problem is." everyone looked at each other and smiled nodding.

7 pm with layla

Layla sat in your old office looking around finding some old soul contracts "ooh more contracts to look at" she read the names and wishes "Amazing Mama is one Hell of a Mom" Boris called layla down "Layla Dinner's Ready!" she teleported down sitting on a chair "I'm here Mister Boris, what's for dinner?" he set a plate of mac and Cheese down in front of her with Juice "Mac and cheese with Juice" Layla smiled taking a bite "Yum! delicious Mister Boris!" Alice smiled walking with a basket of blankets and carried the dry laundry into Layla's room "Okay layla I cleaned up your room and getting everything ready for you" Layla smiled nodding "Okay Ms.Angel" Mordred helped Alice with laundry carrying a basket of pillow cases and Sheets "I got the sheets and pillowcases" she smiled even more finishing up her plate "May I be excused?" Boris nodded "Go ahead kiddo besides it's almost your bedtime anyway, I'll go ahead and clean up" layla jumped out of her chair and went to her room to fix her bed humming, switching her tv on watching cartoons, Mordred looked and climbed onto the bed stretching "Oh man I'm gonna get some sleep, night lady clover er I mean Layla" he yawned falling asleep, She yawned too getting under her covers falling asleep as well.

Oh my Glob the longest pages I've ever Written! anyway enjoy the chapter have a good day or Night!

A Hellish Adventure  (A continuation of the Butterfly birthmark)Where stories live. Discover now