Unexpected Visitor

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4 A.m.

Layla snuck out sitting on the steps of the casino looking at the sky and heard footsteps coming her way seeing a familiar figure "papa Forkington?" he slightly gasped and walked up to her "Layla are you alright? did They Hurt you?" she nodded no "No" he grabbed her hand "Come on let's get you home" she ripped her hand out of his hand "No, I think they all like me" she smiled. Forkington nodded in disbelief

"This is why you never should have left
Dear, this whole love that you've invented
Just proves you're too naive to be here
Why would they like you? Come on now, really!
Look at you, you think that they're impressed?
Don't be a dummy
Come with daddy

Layla yelled at forkington "No!"

"No?! Oh, okay I see how it is.

Layla knows best
Layla's so mature now
Such a clever grown-up Miss
Layla knows best
Fine, if you're so sure now
Go ahead, then give them this!" he showed Layla an old soul contract from a poor soul

"This is why They're here!
Don't let them deceive you!
Give it to them watch, you'll see!

Trust me, my dear
That's how fast they'll leave you
I won't say I told you so
No, Layla knows best!
So if they're such a dreamboat
Go and put them to the test

If they're lying
Don't come crying
Father knows best" He Left Layla alone holding the soul contract she heard a voice from behind her "Layla what are you doing out here?" she looked at the owner of the voice it was her grandfather Dice. She hid the contract from him and walked in avoiding the fact she's hiding a soul contract "Night Mr. Dice" she walked to her room and looked at the soul contract looking for the name of the one who signed the contract 'Connie 'O Clock' she continued to read on why she sold her soul "She sold her soul to be a great magician" she looked at the contract and put it under her pillow "I better keep it hidden from them." She fell back asleep.

With Dice

He layed down next to Devil and got up to walk around for a bit passing by Layla's room to check on her opening her door "Okay she's sound asleep" he walked around and saw you awake "Y/n what are you doing up?" You yawned stretching looking at your father "I didn't get much sleep, I don't want Layla being taken again" He understood that feeling when you were a baby, he also wondered who took Layla 6 years ago. You fell asleep when he was deep in thought and heard a Thud from his left side looking at you "let's get you to bed" he picked you up and teleported into your room laying you down and teleported out. He sighed and walked to the Library talking to himself grabbing a book to read yawning a little bit. He woke up to someone shaking him awake "Grandpa Dice? Grandpa Dice?" he looked at who woke him up "Lucas? what is it?" Lucas looked at the Library doors "The casino opened up an hour ago and they said they might need some help" Dice got up and teleported into his and Devil's room getting his suit on and running down,

With You

You sat in your office looking over some papers you heard a phone ring picking it "Hello? Devil's casino how can I help you?" You heard your friend Hilda "Hey Y/n the girls and guys are gonna hang out tonight will you and your husband And Mike and Pirouletta be interested in hanging out with us?" You smiled brightly and replied happily "Yeah," you knew Hilda was smiling on the other line "Great! we'll wait for ya at the Carnival and we'll go to a restaurant" you nodded "Sounds Great Hilda" you both hung up, Layla walked into your Office "Miss? can I stay with you?" You nodded "Layla no need to call me miss I am your mother after all," She looked at the first soul you took and tilted her head "Um Excuse me? where'd you get that soul?" You looked at the soul and smile "I got that when I worked as a co boss, and that soul came from a bad man That was my biological dad, He cheated and boom took his soul. But Papa Dice was the one who raised me, from a 2 month old Baby into the person I am today" Layla looked at the soul and at you "So you were raised to be a fair Boss?" You nodded smiling "Yes, I ran the casino when I was 7 years old" she shrugged smiling knowing she and you are bonding and couldn't wait to friend the employees and people outside the casino.

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