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In a Land, long long before our time.. or not. No, actually it was in the Here and Now and... well today.  Anyway, two girls were sitting on a wall, bored as hell, in some tiny hicksville in the middle of nowhere.

One of the girls looked up from her phone, looking rather annoyed.
"Kia... I am... BORED!"
The other Girl, Kia, ignored her and continued to stare holes in the air. But suddenly she got up and started running.
"Waa... Hey!"
Quickly the first girl jumped up as well and chased after her.
"What's going on?"
"You know Leo..." said Kia, and unexpectedly stopped in her tracks and turned to look at her friend.
"I just thought... If you get to Narnia through the closet, can we get to Middle-earth through the dresser?"
The two girls looked at each other for a few minutes in total silence. Then Leo calmly said
"You're crazy, has somebody already told you that?"
Kia simply grinned and Leo grinned back.
"Sooooo, to the next Dresser!"
And just like that, the two went off.


"This is not going to work"
Leo sat, once again with her phone out, on Kia's bed and watched her as she was struggling with the drawers of the Dresser. As Kia had finally managed to get all of them out she stood up and inspected her work.
"Better than boredom I'd say..."
And with that, she stepped vigorously against the plywood plate which formed the rear wall of the Dresser. It creaked dangerously, but nothing happened.
"See? not working"
Bored Leo turned on her back and let her head fall down the side of the bed. She giggled:
"Now you're upside down..."
"HAUTA!", yelled Kia spontaneously and that brought Leo to sit up again.
"Hauta. The Elvish Word for Stop or pause" Kia explained shrugging.
"Since when do you speak Elvish?"
Kia shrugged and turned to face the Dresser again.
"Inye arcatye, Lavatye!" Kia said begging her dresser to open in Elvish and some also very bored God, maybe even one of the Valar themselves, seemed to hear her because as she delivered a second kick to the rear wall she stumbled halfway through it. With huge eyes, she glanced at Leo one last time, who was looking just as shocked, before she went all the way through it. Without a second thought, Leo jumped after her.


As she was through she ran into Kia, who was looking around with her arms crossed.
Leo was studying the things around her as well.
"This.. isn't really Middle-earth."
Leo's attention was on something red golden.
Iron Man stared at the girls, his hand still up in the air to blast off the head of a Chitauri. The Chitauri was also looking rather confused at the girls and the Dresser behind them.
"Nope, definitely not Middle-earth. Hey Steve, big fan."
Happily, Kia waved to Captain America, who hesitantly raised his Hand to wave back.
"Let's go, Leo."
with that Kia jumped back into the Dresser.
"Bye, have fun!" yelled Leo and jumped after her. The Dresser disappeared as suddenly as it had come.
"Soooo....", started Tony alias Iron Man, " Does anybody know what the heck just happened?"


"Steve looks even better in RL!"

Smiling, Kia studied their surroundings. Behind her, Leo did the same and started grinning broadly. Frowning Kia turned to her friend.
"Do you know where we are?"
"Oh yes." Leo mumbled as she was dreamingly staring at the black chevy impala 67.
Kia silently continued to watch her broadly grinning friend and after a while, she asked:
Leo just nodded violently.
"Not Middle-earth". Shrugging Kia turned around and jumped once again through the Dresser.
Leo made a pained sound but jumped after Kia anyways. The Dresser disappeared and just a few seconds later a Man in a beige Trenchcoat and blue tie, matching his eyes, opened the bunker door and looked around frowning.

"Weird... I thought I had heard my name..."


With huge eyes and a big smile, Kia glanced up at the tall, brown-haired Man, who looked grimly at her out off his gold-brown eyes and held the blade of his sword to her throat.
"Hey, Chaol. In which part are we? Did you already kill Cain or is the competition still going? Where did you leave Celaena and Dorin? I hope not alone in their room..."
At that moment Leo grabbed the collar of her shirt and dragged her back to the Dresser.
"Not Middle-earth." she simply said. Kia struggled at first but gave up after a while.
"Send greetings to that asshole you call king from me and tell Celaena that Elide is still alive and Dorian that Magic is super cool and be nice to Nesryn and..."
She desperately tried to hold on to the frame of the commode.
"Bye, Mister General, you are awesome!"
And with that, they disappeared. Chaol was left behind seeming confused. He stood in the hallway for a while sword still up in the air, until Celaena came by and asked jokingly:
"What is going on? Saw a Ghost?"
Chaol shook his head and put his sword down. He walked to her side and they went off to go Training.
"Not a Ghost. Two weird Girls and a Dresser..."


A little bit out of breath Leo supported herself at the commode, as Kia stumbled out of the Dresser.
"What took you so long?" Leo asked looking at her reproachfully.
"I gave Chaol some Tipps... Why did you have to drag me out so soon?!"
Pouting she sat down at the tiled floor beneath her.
"You didn't let me see Cas, so you don't get to see that Dorien as well!"
"Dorian! Prince of Ardalan. You should finally start reading Throne of Glass!"
"And you should watch Supernatural!"
She stuck out her tongue.
"You're so childish!" Leo noted but did the same anyway. It didn't take long until they both doubled over with laughter. When they started to calm down again Leo asked:
"So, where are we?"
Kia looked up and examined their surroundings. She couldn't help but smile.

"I'd say we finally made it to Rivendell." 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 17, 2018 ⏰

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