Haven't Changed

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I turned on my side and snuggled further into my sheets. I felt myself slipping out of my bed and landed face first onto my carpet. I let out a groan in pain. I slowly got up, fixed my bed then made my way to the bathroom. I did my daily routine and didn't bother to apply a lot of makeup on my face. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and took my phone out.

As I scrolled through my phone I saw that James requested me on Instagram. I confirmed his request and requested to follow his account. In a couple of minutes James confirmed my request and dm's me. I scrunched my eyebrows together, wondering why he would send me a dm. I opened his dm and read it.

Are you going to Zen's party today?

I wasn't even invited

Everyone in dance class was invited and some other people from the university are coming

Sure why not then

Are you going with anyone?

No, are you?

Nope. It's at 10pm at 12 George St. See you there princess

I was a bit nervous to attend Zen's party. I really didn't want to go but my dumbass had to agree to James. But then again, knowing him, he would've forced me to go. I wasn't a party girl at all but the one person who did know how to really party was Emma.

I got up from my bed and put my phone down. I was too lazy to make breakfast so I decided to go outside to Birch Coffee. I skimmed through my closet and decided to wear a casual outfit since I'm only getting breakfast. I got dressed in light blue jeans, a black tank top, and a brown faux fur coat. I put on my black combat boots, grab my black purse with my essentials inside and walked out the door.

On the way to Birch Coffee I called Emma since I haven't talked to her a while plus I wanted to se did she was free to come to the party with me. She picked up on the third ring with a loud squeal, causing me to remove my phone from my ear.

"Hey Stels!" She loudly beamed.

"Hey Em, I need to tell you something really important," I cut to the chase.

"Spill the tea," she said in a serious voice.

I could already picture sitting in her apartment on her couch curled up on her couch with an actual cup of tea in her hands. Let me introduce you to my best friend, Emma Walton. I've known her ever since 8th grade and since then we've been like two peas in a pot. Sadly she isn't in the dancing department like myself, she was more into cooking and she studied in Manhattan for culinary arts.

Emma was quite the opposite of me. Not only in personality but also in looks. Emma had short blonde hair and blueish green eyes with pale skin. She's very bubbly and loud. Emma was a party girl and dragged me to every party she got invited to or has heard of. I remembered one time we snuck into a party and Emma got so drunk she told everyone she was a cop. Obviously she doesn't remember that night but I remember it vividly since I'm not big on drinking alcohol. She's also very rebellious but she's like the sister I've never had.

I sighed,"Remember James Maxwell from high school? Well he's in my dance class at Juilliard and has made out on my neck and I kind of moaned. Now I'm going to a party with James and 50 other people I don't know. Zen, from our high school is throwing it."

"Shit that's a lot of tea spilt. Gosh, James is such a pig, dumbass and a jerk of course. Don't be fooled by his kisses it's just a trap," she told me.

"I don't even like him, he has a girlfriend."

"James doesn't have a girlfriend," she laughed.

I furrowed my eyebrows, confused at what Emma just said,"Her name is Sophie."

Emma laughed once again,"James has never dated anyone. Sophie is James' friend and she's dating Austin who's been her boyfriend for a year."

"So basically James lied to me," I voiced out loud.

"Yup,"she said, popping the 'p' in yup.

I had no idea why James had lied to me, it made no sense why he would choose to do that. He did kept telling me not to be jealous but I would never get jealous of him having a girlfriend. He's such a jerk. He was most likely on the phone with his mom when we went to Starbucks and lied. My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Emma repeatedly call my name through the phone.

"Earth to Stella! Stella! Stella can you hear me?" She yelled.

"I'm here, I'm here," I reassured her.

"Did you just say that Zen is throwing a party?" She asked me.

"Yes, why?"

She squealed in excitement,"Oh my gee I've had a crush on him for a while back in high school!"

"Well you're welcome to come to the party. I can pick you up from your apartment around 7pm and we'll get ready together," I told her as I opened the door to Birch Coffee.

"I'm so there!" She screamed into the phone.

I winced at her loud screech,"Okay, well I gotta go bye."

"Bye Stels,"she said as I hung up the phone.

I went to the counter and ordered my food. Once it's ready I picked up my order and took a seat in the back near the window. I opened my favourite book 'To All The Boys I've Loved Before' and began to eat. I looked up and saw none other than James walk in. I quickly ducked my head in my book and pretended to read. I watched James order his food. A group of girls went up to him and he began to flirt with them making the girls giggle.

James smiled at the three girls,"You girls are beautiful. I would take you girls to the movies but they don't allow snacks."

The girls giggle again causing me to roll my eyes. That pick up line wasn't even good, it was practically shit. One of the blonde girls stepped forward and put her hand on James' chest.

"Well aren't you a catch," she bit her lip trying to look seductive.

He winked,"And I guess you're the bait."

She giggled yet again and gives her number to James,"I'm Alexa, call me if you ever want to have a good time."

"Will do," James smirked as I mentally cringed.

With that Alexa and her friends left Birch Cafe, not before saying goodbye to James and sending him an air kiss. I swore I felt vomit coming up my throat. This all proved that James hasn't changed one bit, he's still the player from high school playing with girls left and right. Like seriously he slept with the entire female race. Not actually but still it's disgusting.

James glanced in my direction and spotted me. I quickly put my book to my face pretending to read and hoped that he doesn't come over here. I then heard footsteps coming towards me. I'm so screwed, I thought to myself.

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