Always a player

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Once I woke up I felt the sun on my face brightly shinning from my window. Memories of last night flowed into my mind of James and I. I still couldn't believe that we kissed and although it felt good I would never admit that to him. I had to remember that he was still with Cynthia. I really don't know what he's sees in her.

I changed into black tights and a purple crop top. I went to the bathroom to get ready for dance class. I curled my hair then threw it up into a ponytail and decided not to wear much makeup on my face. I went to the kitchen and had a bowl of Cheerios. I checked the time to see 10:43am. There was no way I would make it to dance in 17 minutes, it usually took me 20 minutes. I quickly finished eating my cereal and ran to get my duffle bag. I grabbed my small duffle bag, put on my coat and Nike sneakers then left my apartment.

I decided to take my car instead of running there and being late. I put my duffle bag in the front passenger seat then put on my seat belt. I started the car and drove to Juilliard. I reached there in the span of 3 minutes. It was a great idea to move close to Juilliard. I actually wanted to live with Emma but my parents made me rethink my decision. If I had lived with Emma I would've been late everyday.

I checked my phone to see it was 10:47am. I was pretty early but at least no one would be there so I could do contemporary freestyle to a song of my choice. I walked up the flights of stairs and walked to the dance room. As I'm about to open the door I heard kissing in the room. I furrowed my brows and quietly opened the door wondering what the hell was going on.

As I opened the door I saw James and Cynthia making out. Cynthia was pressed against the wall with her legs wrapped around his waist. Her top is almost falling off while James' shirt is already off. My eyes widened and I screamed in horror and disgust.

"Oh my god!"

Both of their heads snapped towards me as I stared at them. James stared at me and backed away from Cynthia. Cynthia began to fix her top and hair while James threw back on his shirt. He made a move to come closer to me but I stepped back. Hurt and regret flashed through his eyes then quickly disappeared.

"Well look who it is, the bitch. Sorry sweetie you had to see that. Wait, no I'm actually not sorry at all," Cynthia smiled.

I rolled my eyes and quickly left the dance room. I ran down the stairs wanting to escape from what I just saw. Funny how great my day can started then out of no where it turned completely opposite. I made it outside and saw some of the students from dance glance at me as they passed by to get to dance.

"Are you okay?" Zen asked, stopping in front of me.

I fake smiled and nodded my head,"It's just a stomach bug."

Zen sent me a warm smile,"Well, feel better."

I wish, I thought to myself. I watched as he left and headed inside Juilliard. I turned around and lowered my eyes as I walked towards my car. I opened my duffle bag and searched for my keys. I couldn't find my keys as I searched for it in my stuffed duffle bag. Great another bad thing happening.

I felt an arm latch onto my arm and pulled me into their body. I stared into his brown eyes while his eyes wandered my face. His other arm reached up and his hand began to caress my cheek. I closed my eyes wanting to savour the moment but the images of him and Cynthia flash through my mind. I opened my eyes and pushed him back in anger.

"You're nothing but a jerk! A fucking jerk! You go on and kiss me then you make out with Cynthia the next day," I spat.

"I'm sorry Stella, I'm so sorry," he pleaded.

"You're nothing but a player," I whispered.

James took a closer to me and I moved back not wanting to be near him or let him touch me. He ran his fingers through his hair and pulled on it.

"Stella please," he whispered.

I shook my head at him and turned to leave but he grabbed my waist. He turned me around then pushed me against a car. Both of hands are on my cheeks and he leaned in to kiss me but I moved my head to the side just in time. His lips pressed against my cheek sending a warm buzz in my head. Unwanted butterflies swarmed my stomach and flew around. I turned my head to face him and watched a frown appear on his mouth. The next three words flew out of my mouth causing James to clench his jaw.

"I hate you," I whispered to him.

"You don't mean that," he whispered back, not believing me.

"I do," I said, in a more firm tone.

He continued to stare at me then backed away leaving my body cold. He swiftly turned around, walking into Juilliard not looking back. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. I finally found my keys in my coat pocket and started my car. I left Juilliard and went back to my apartment. I jumped into bed and call the one person who would help me feel better. After 2 rings they answer their phone.

"Hey," they said.

"I need you," I told them.

"Hold on," they replied.

I laid back into my bed and closed my eyes. I guess for a split second I thought James and I could've been something but he'll always be a player. I didn't expect him to be with Cynthia but I should've expected he would do it. I should've never kissed him, I thought to myself as I ran my hand down my face.

"Okay what happened Stels?" Emma asked.

"Well James and I kissed -" I began.

She cuts me off by yelling,"What!"

I winced at her loud yell,"Yes we kissed then I caught him making out this red head."

"He's such an asshole! Don't worry I'll make him pay," she told me, her voice laced with anger.

I chuckled,"As much as I'd love to see that happen, don't it's useless."

"It's not useless, he hurt your feelings. I will so murder him!"

"I'm fine," I lied.

"Stella," Emma warned, knowing I was lying.

"Em I'm really fine," I tried to persuade her.

"Whatever stick to lying," she huffed and hung up.

I sighed and tossed my phone next to me. Lying was my best resort when it came to feelings. Usually I could get away with it but not with Emma. She was practically like family, she knew me inside and out. She was right about James hurting me. He did hurt me but he didn't break me.

My phone rang bringing me out of my thoughts. It was probably Emma calling me trying to come up with a way to murder James and make it look like an accident. I picked up my phone and saw that it wasn't Emma calling but Zen calling me. I wonder what he'd be calling me about.

"Hey Stella," Zen greeted.

"Hey," I greeted back.

"I'm having a movie night at my apartment. Are you in or out?"

"Will James be there?" I hesitantly asked.

"Yes," he answered.

I really didn't want to go anywhere that James would be. I didn't want to see his face but at the same time I wanted to go and take my mind off of it. Yet, how could I take my mind off it if the person to take my mind off is there? I couldn't but I had to stay far away from him.

"Why?" Zen questioned.

I bite my lip wondering if I should tell Zen or not. I've known Zen since high school and although we hardly talked back then we were good friends with each other. Zen was practically the life of the party and threw the best ones. He may seem wild at times but he was very down to earth and trustworthy. He's also a great contemporary, hip pop, and salsa dancer.

"James and I kissed yesterday then I saw him and Cynthia making out in the dance room before class," I explained.

"James will always be a player," Zen sighed.

"Once a player always a player," I concluded.

Dancing with the Player | Book #1Where stories live. Discover now