Date Gone Wrong

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"Aren't you suppose to be getting ready for your date instead of being here with me?"

"Shit! You're right, bye Emma!" I yelled as I left her apartment.

I wasn't suppose to stay over at Emma's house. I was suppose to spend the day then go back home, but instead I ended up staying the night. I turned on my phone to see that it was 5:03pm. The date started at 7pm do I still got time to get ready. I got into my car and drove back to my apartment.

In 35 minutes later I finally reached my apartment. I quickly turned off my car and locked it, then went up to room. I opened my closet and took out a black dress. I tried on the dress and looked at myself in the mirror. Not the one. I took it off and tried on another 5 pairs of dresses. I finally decided on a short grey checkered dress and underneath was a black long sleeve. I go into my bathroom to straighten my hair and applied light makeup onto my face.

By the time I was done getting ready I heard a knock at my door. I slipped into my black thigh on boots, grabbed my black mini purse, and threw on my black jacket. I checked the peep hole then opened the door, revealing none other than Dylan dressed in navy blue dress shirt, black jeans, and a black jacket on top. His eyes lowered to what I'm wearing then looked into my eyes.

He stuck out his arm and smiled,"Shall we m'lady?"

I laughed,"We shall."

Luckily I wore a long sleeve under my dress because it was freezing cold. Dylan opened the car door for me and I sit in the passenger seat. He ran to his side and starts the car. He turned on the music and turned the volume down low.

"So where are we going?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.

He glanced at me,"Henry's Fish and Chips. I've been there two times and they have excellent food."

"I'm allergic to fish," I told him.

He apologized,"I'm so sorry! We can go somewhere else that doesn't serve fish."

"It's okay you didn't know," I reassured him.

Growing up, I never liked eating fish. The smell would always gross me out and made me never try it. That is until I ate a meal that had fish in it, but I didn't know it contained any in it. Once I consumed the fish I started to become itchy and red. That's when I realized I was allergic to fish.

"We can go to Bucatini instead," he suggested.

"Sounds Italian and I love Italian so I'm in," I smiled.


The rest of the ride we didn't say much. It wasn't like we wanted to enjoy the silence, we just didn't know what to say. If I'd have to admit it, it was quite awkward. If I were on a date with James it wouldn't have been like this. He would've taken me to get Italian food from the start since he also hated fish. We would've turned the volume up high singing along to songs and bickering to each other. But I guess that's what was the difference between James and Dylan.

I didn't know why I was thinking about James when I'm practically on a date with his brother. James always managed to creep into my mind when not needed. He couldn't get mad because he was the one who told me to go on this date with Dylan. He was the one who told me to have fun. But the thing was I wasn't having fun. I'd rather be on a date with James right now. I shook my head trying to get rid of my thoughts.

"Oh I love this song!" Dylan beamed, turning up the volume.

If life were a movie

Oh you're the best part, oh oh oh

You're the best part, oh oh oh

Best part

The song was none other than the song that James and I danced the night away at Ms Saunders' surprise party. It was also the song where James and I almost kissed. Could this date go anymore wrong?

Dylan stopped in front of the restaurant. He walked over to my side and opened the door for me. I thanked him and stepped out of the car. As we entered Bucatini, I looked around in awe. The lighting in the room was dim and had tables with white table clothes over them. My eye caught a wine bar at the side and there were even couches where people can sit. We walked to the front desk to get a table.

"Table for two," Dylan said to the front desk lady.

Remember when I wondered if this date could get any worse? It just did once the front desk lady responded to Dylan.

"Sorry sir but you need a reservation and you don't have one," she responded.

Dylan and I glanced at each other. The front desk lady called out to the couple behind us causing us to move back. We walked out the restaurant and went inside of Dylan's car. He opened his phone and searched for Italian restaurants for us to eat at. He threw his phone down in frustration. I raised my eyebrow at him, wondering what had made him so mad.

"Well it seems like every Italian restaurant is booked tonight and needs a booked 24 hour before reservation," he explained.

"Wow," is all I could say.

"We can go to to fish and chips," he smiled.

"I'm allergic," I reminded him.

"Oh yes! I forgot," he replied as I sneakily rolled my eyes.

"We don't have to eat at an Italian restaurant there's other places we can eat at."

"We can go to Bob's Burger. They make one of the best burger's in town," he suggested while I nodded my head.

He started the car and backed out of the parking space, heading to Bob's burger. Remember when I said a few minutes ago that could this date get any worse? Well this time was the worst. Since Bob's Burger was packed we ended up sharing a table with another family. The worst part was that they had twin babies that wouldn't stop crying and one of them vomited near my food. Once they left I thought that the date would've gone better but when Dylan reached over to grab his coke, it fell, and accidentally spilt all over my dress.

On the way home Dylan had repeatedly apologized for spilling his drink on my dress while I repeatedly told him it's okay. He walked me to my door step and leaned in to kiss me but I turned my head in the last second. His lips touched my cheek and he pulled back.

"Goodnight Dylan," I said and went into my apartment.

Usually the perfect date is the one where anything and everything goes wrong, yet at the end of it, all you want was to see them again. But the way things went tonight, I didn't want to see Dylan again.

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