Suprise Party

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I got up from my bed and wrapped my blanket around me, shivering. I opened my blinds and gasped as I saw outside lightly snowing. I didn't expect the snow to come so early, but I didn't mind. I know a lot of people hated winter but it was my favourite season. Winter just reminded me of how close Thanksgiving was coming and I finally got to see my family. I checked my calendar on my phone and saw that there was only five days until Thanksgiving.

Every year my family and I had Thanksgiving dinner at my grandma and grandpa's house. We would all cook dinner together and spend the night. Then the next day Emma and I would go out for dinner and have our own Thanksgiving.

I got dressed for dance wearing a pink fitted sweater, with a grey sports bra under, grey tights and pink sneakers. I threw my hair into a high ponytail and added only mascara and lip gloss to my face. I walked into my kitchen and made myself some hot chocolate and pancakes.

After I was done eating I put on mu black winter jacket, grabbed my bag, and left my apartment. I opened the door of my car and got in. I turned on my car and drove to Juilliard. On the way to Juilliard I stopped at a decoration store and picked up balloons. I put them in the trunk of my car and made my way to Juilliard.

I arrived at the dance room with the balloons in my left hand and my bag in the other. Everyone was already here, talking to each other. The dance room was perfectly designed with blue and purple streamers, colourful balloons, and a huge hanging sign that said 'happy birthday.'

Today was Ms. Saunders birthday. We all decided to meet early for dance and decorate the dance room for her birthday. All week we've been trying to act subtle so she wouldn't know we were surprising her. We almost got caught once since the birthday cake called and Max had his phone on speaker. Let's just say Max will never be on phone call duty every again.

I walked over to Elana and Stephanie. I had became closer with them over the period of being in dance class. When we first met, instantly we clicked and from then on we had been like the three musketeers. Elana and Stephanie were both alike, they're both outgoing, cheerful, and caring. Elana was a contemporary dancer and whereas Stephanie is a jazz and contemporary dancer.

"Hey El and Steph," I greeted them with a huge smile on my face.

"Tsk tsk you're late," Stephanie scolded me.

"I know I had to get some decorations since Max texted me saying they were running out," I told her and pointed where I left the decorations.

"I'll go put them up," Stephanie said as she gathered people to help with the decorations I bought.

"So how are you and James?" Elana asked me as she wiggled her eyebrows.

Besides Emma and Zen knowing about James and I, I had told Elana some details. I trusted that she wouldn't tell anyone else my business. Plus she's really great at giving honest advice. If I were to ask Zen he would tell me to go for him and if I ask Emma she'd tell me to chop off his balls. Either way I'd say Elana was the best to consult my problems to.

I laughed,"Stop that."

"Don't try to change the subject," she pointed out.

I sighed,"Fine. I haven't talked to him since our movie night which was almost two weeks ago. He kept trying to apologize but I didn't forgive him."

"I understand why you wouldn't he went with that Cynthia bitch," Elana rolled her eyes once Cynthia's name left her mouth.

"Exactly but no he's still trying," I sighed.

"Well do you like him?" She questioned me with her eyebrow raised.

"No," I bluntly answered.

"Huh, I was expecting you to say yes."

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