The Truth

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James POV

"18,19,20! Come out, come out wherever you are!" I yelled.

I left the living room and went straight towards the kitchen to see my mom reading a magazine called Cosmopolitan. She glanced at me then went back to reading. I searched through the cabinets in the kitchen to find nothing.

"Hide and go seek?" My mom questioned.

I nodded my head and she pointed down the hallway. I smiled as quietly yet quickly ran down the hallway that my mom pointed to. I checked all the doors to find nothing then went to the last door: dad's office. I slowly opened the office door to see my dad typing on his laptop with his reading glasses on. He glanced up at me and stopped typing.

"James, do you need something?" He wondered.

I shook my head,"Playing hide and seek."

"Again?" He chuckled.

"Yes," I chuckled too, myself.

I left my dad's office and went to the one place I never thought of. I quietly tip-toed upstairs and opened the door. I looked around and saw nothing at all. I checked under the bed, in the washroom, but not the closet. I slowly turned the doorknob of the closet and opened it to reveal Brooke crouched down with her doll, Kelly in her hand.

"Found you!" I beamed as I lifted her out of the closet.

"No fair!" She frowned and crossed her arms, upset that she got caught.

"You need to find better hiding places," I told her.

"It was!" She protests.

I was going to go to Zen's house to hang out until Shannon called telling me that Brooklyn missed me and wanted to hangout. I couldn't pass up the opportunity of being with my baby sister so I cancelled on Zen. I hardly got to see Brooke since I had to travel two hours to home and most of the time I was busy with dance class. This weekend I had nothing planned so I thought why not.

Brooke and I had been playing hide and seek for the past two hours. I think this was the 5th time we're playing it, but it could be more. I really lost track of the number.

"It really wasn't," I laughed at her mad expression.

I poked her side and a bunch of loud giggles escaped from her mouth and echoed in the room. I began to tickle her but she squealed and ran around her room. I caught her and tickled her even more as she laughed.

"S-stop James I'm going to pee my pants!" She screeched.

"Yeah I'm definitely stopping," I cringed.

"Gotcha!" She yelled and threw one of her pillows at my face.

I grabbed the pillow that she hit me with off the floor and lightly hit her with it. She got another one of her pillows and challenged me to a fight. Our pillow fight when on for a while until we both grew tired. I collapsed onto her small bed while she sat crossed legged on her bed with Kelly in her lap.

"Jamsey, can we talk?"

My eyes moved to Brooke,"Sure, what about?"

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