Bumping into a Stranger

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I groaned as I heard my phone buzz on my bed side table for the fourth time. I didn't bother to answer it the first time because I woke up. The second time I was still awake and the third time I just didn't bother to move my body.

I tossed my covers off my body, exposing the cold air on my legs. I grabbed my phone and saw that it was my mom calling me. What if she called and it was an emergency? My mom would've killed me. I tapped on her contact and pressed the call button. The phone rang and on the second ring my mom picked up the phone.

"Stella Caroline Johnston do you ever answer your phone!" My mom yelled causing me to immediately pull my phone away from my ear.

"Sorry mom I was sleeping," I apologized.

"It's okay sweetie, I did call early," my mom lightly laughed over the phone.

"How are you?" I asked.

"I'm doing great. I just joined a book club and have been taking cooking classes. Stella you would love book club we meet up twice a week and bring sandwiches while we talk about books! It's truly amazing. My cooking class is every Tuesday and let me tell you, cooking is not easy. I mean I've burned the pot three times -"

"Mom," I cut her off, wanting to talk about dad. One thing my mom had a horrible habit of was talking too much.

"Okay I lied I burned the pot seven times. But in my defence my cooking partner, Barbra did not tell me when to lower the temperature. She practically set me up! I don't even know her. I swear that little -"

"Mom! How is dad?" I finally asked.

I haven't really talked to my dad since he's always busy working and I'm busy with dance. I've mostly been talking to my mom since her job isn't as busy as my dad's. My mom worked at a café store as a waitress while my dad was a criminal lawyer.

"He's been good and is especially being more of a workaholic. He misses you a lot. He tells me everyday he wonders what you're doing. He also can't wait to see you at thanksgiving," my mom explained.

"I can't wait to see both of you at Thanksgiving," I smiled at the thought that I would finally get to see my parents.

"Speaking of thanksgiving, this year will be a little different.." she said as her voice faded at the end.

"Come again?" I questioned her.

"This year will be slightly different.. we're not having thanksgiving at our house. Shannon called me the other day and thought it would be great if we could meet up again with the whole family. So we're having thanksgiving with the Maxwell's on Monday."

My jaw dropped in shock. My family and I always stuck to thanksgiving tradition and now we were having it with another family. To add more to onto the problem, I have to have thanksgiving with James! After realizing that I liked him, I couldn't face him.

"Mom, I'm not feeling well," I said as I let out several coughs.

"That's okay you have 4 days to get better. Can't wait to see you dear!" She hung up the phone.

I slumped my shoulders in defeat. I totally forgot that it was only Thursday and thanksgiving wasn't until Monday. I put my phone back on my dresser and started to get ready for dance. I changed into a grey crop sweater and black tights then walked into my bathroom and did my morning routine. I left my hair down and decided to put on mascara and lip gloss. When I walked into my kitchen I made myself a coffee with eggs and bacon.

After I was finished eating I put on my black coat, grabbed my small duffle bag, put on my winter boots, and left my apartment. As much as I would've drove to Juilliard I decided on walking. If I drove my car then I would've needed to clean all the snow off of it and seeing as dance class started in 15 minutes I didn't have the time to do it. As I was walking I felt my phone buzzing in the pocket of my jacket. I opened up my pocket and grab my phone seeing that it was Emma calling.

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