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I was frozen in place. James and I being partners was a horrible idea. I didn't even like the idea of being around him and now I had to work with him. Maybe I was asleep and I'm having a nightmare, because there had to be some misunderstanding. James and I didn't even have similar dance styles except for contemporary. Out of all the people it had to be James. Maybe I'm still dreaming. I pinched myself and heard Ms Saunders continue to call names out. Guess I'm not dreaming.

"...Joseph and Chloe, and the last pair is Selena and Zen."

Ms. Saunders showed us how the contemporary dance looked like then taught us it step by step. It wasn't hard at all since most of my dance training is in contemporary. We practiced it again and again, and a couple more times then got into our partners. Surprisingly James and I got along, for once. Even Ms. Saunders noticed and told everyone to look at us and follow our lead.

"Sadly class is over but I had a great time today and I hope you guys did too. Now I'm going to Subway if anyone wants to join!" Our teacher announced.

Ms Saunders left the room while Amy, Max, Stephan, Mark, Beatrice, George followed right behind her. Eliana, William, Zen, Max, Selena, Patrick, Allie, and Stephanie decided to go to McDonalds. Liam, Sarah, Chloe, Joseph left to go to Burger King, leaving James and I alone.

He turned to me with a smirk on his lips,"So since we're all alone -"

"Don't even think about it," I grimaced.

"I'm kidding Stel," he chuckled.

"Don't call me that only friends get to,"I furiously said.

James pulled me by the waist, causing my body to crash into his. His deep alluring brown eyes stared into mine, captivating me as I wondered what he's going to do next.

"Stop fighting me," he whispered.

He then closed the space between us and I thought for a second he was going to kiss me, but his head leaned down to my neck. He began to place light kisses on my neck and I try to hold in my moan. James hands grip me tighter around the waist. I tried to let go but I couldn't, his lips just felt so good on my neck. I let out of a small moan as James continued to kiss my jawline.

My mind instantly thought back to the girl's he had been with and the amount of girls that were in my position right now. I quickly pushed James' body off me, grabbed my stuff and left the dance room in a hurry.

"Stella, come back!" I heard James yell from behind me.

I continued to walk towards the entrance until he grabbed my wrist, making me turn to him.

I faced him,"I'm not going to be one of your one night stands or one of your toys who you can do whatever with."

"You're not my one night stands at all. I'm sorry I got carried away with kissing you. It won't happen again," he promised.

My eyes narrowed at him,"Fine, just forget about what happened back there."

He nodded his head then smirked,"I know you enjoyed me on you but try not to think too much about it."

I laughed,"You really think I enjoyed your lips on my neck, no thank you."

"I won't think about it at all. You'll always be a jerk and I'm not going to let you get with me just like those girls in high school," I added.

He smirked at me and questioned,"Are you jealous, Stella?"

I ignored his question by rolling my eyes and opened the door to exit the building, not bothering to hold the door open for James. He really thought I'm jealous of him and all those girls, well I'm not nor will I ever be. I swore his head is stuck so far up his ass he could never think straight.

"Well I'm going to Starbucks," I told him, hinting that I'm leaving.

"Great, that's where I was heading too," he grinned at me.

We walked side by side and you may think were only walking in silence but we're not. It's complete the opposite since James decided to bring up embarrassing memories of me in high school while I call him every swear word known to man. After a couple more minutes we finally reached Starbucks. We took our orders, got our food, and sat down at an empty table beside the window.

A phone rang and I checked to see if it was mine but it was James' phone. He fished for his phone in his pocket then answered it.

"Hey, yeah, I miss you too, ok, bye love you," he said into the phone then hung up.

"Is that your mom?" I joked with my eyebrow raised and brought my coffee to my lips.

He shook his head,"Ha ha, good one but no it was my girlfriend, Sophie."

I choked on my coffee and coughed several times once the word 'girlfriend' came out of his mouth. James having a girlfriend or James and the world girlfriend even being in the same sentence is bizarre. I calmed down and cleared my throat.

"I never knew you of all people would have a long term relationship," I said marvelled.

"Well she loves me and I love her, try not to be jealous," he grinned.

I rolled my eyes at him, here we go again with the whole jealous thing. It became very silent between us so I held up my cubano sandwich and began to eat. James being James broke the silence by deciding to speak up.

"This zesty sesame chicken sandwich taste so good. You have to try this," he said as he puts the sandwich close to my mouth.

I shook my head,"No I'm good."

"Come on please princess," he pouted.

I opened my mouth and he moved the club side to side. I roll my eyes and slapped his hand, annoyed by his behaviour.

"James, can I just taste it already?"

He puts the sandwich near my mouth again and I took a small bite. I guess he was right, it tasted amazing. We finished our food and drank our coffees while making small talk.

"So what made you stop being a player?" I wondered.

"My brother, he told me to stop acting like a player and I realized what I had become. Then I met Sophie at a party and I guess we hit it off pretty well. We fell in love and my heart has been set on her," he explained.

"Wow I'm surprised, actually shocked that you finally came to your senses," I responded.

He chuckled,"Me too. It took a while but I finally did."

I looked at the time on my phone to see it was already 3:10pm. James must've checked the time on his phone too because he began to clean up his food. I did the same and finished my coffee. We left Starbucks and walked back to where Juilliard is located.

"Bye James. It was nice catching up, despite you being annoying," I told him with a small smile on my lips.

He chuckled,"Shut up, you enjoyed my company. Bye Stella."

We both walked away in opposite directions, going our separates ways. I guess having James as a partner wouldn't be that bad.

Dancing with the Player | Book #1Where stories live. Discover now