You are Crazy!

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"So you mean to tell me that James has a fraternal twin named Dylan. Dylan asks you out on a date and you say yes while James overheard you both. Then you visit James, only to have him to tell you to go with Dylan," Emma summarized.

I nodded my head,"Yes Em, that's the whole story."

"Dang, you're like a walking Blair Waldorf when she had to choose between Chuck and that prince," Emma gushed.

It was currently Friday morning. Emma and I decided to start our girl's day off with having breakfast at Benny's Bistro then went over to her house. I would've stayed the night but Dylan and I's date was tomorrow. Luckily I didn't have dance today since Ms. Saunders got the flu yesterday and scheduled a doctors appointment for today.

"I am anything but Blair Waldorf," I laughed.

"True, shes the best at schemes and getting what she wants," Emma sipped on her ice tea.

I rolled my eyes and continued eating the egg sandwich I ordered.

"So I have some questions to ask you," Emma said.

I mentally groaned. Whenever Emma was curious about something she didn't have 'some' but a lot of questions to ask. The questions she asked were always deep and made everything even more complicated than it was. That's why I always tried to avoid her questions because they made me regret my actions.

"Go on," I muttered.

She put her fork down,"Why did choose Dylan over James, when James cares a lot about you?"

See this was exactly why I hated Emma asking me questions. I sometimes couldn't even answer that question myself.

"I choose Dylan because James has hurt me," I answered.

"But he's very sorry."

The thing was I know James was very sorry that he hurt me, but he should've thought of that before kissing Cynthia. I couldn't just let his actions off the hook so easily and forgive him. At some point I would forgive him but for now I just couldn't bring myself to it. The problem was whenever we were close together, I always had that urge to forgive him. I always had to force myself to stop.

"I know he is," is all I said.

"Okay, well, do you have feelings for James?"

That was the one question I knew the exact answer to but I never want to admit out loud or even to my own self. At the surprise party, I admitted to myself but I could never do it again. I met Emma's blue eyes that were staring back at me, waiting for me to answer the question.

She gasped,"You do like him!"

"Shut up!" I hissed.

"I knew it!" She beamed in excitement.

"How do you know when I didn't even admit it?" I questioned.

"You didn't have to admit it, your whole face says it all," she replied.

I rolled my eyes,"You are crazy."

"Me? You're the crazy one here. You like him yet you're going with another guy you don't even have feelings for."

"Who said I don't have feelings for Dylan?"

"Trust me, it's not there between you two."

"I haven't known him that long, only a week compared to James who I've known for a couple of years. I could develop feelings for Dylan," I argued.

"You developing feelings for Dylan is like me breaking up with Zen. It's not going to happen!" She voiced.

"Whatever, lets go, I'm done with my meal," I said finally ending the conversation.

The waiter handed us the bill and we each paid for it separately. I sat into the driver's seat while Emma sat in the front beside me. On the way to her apartment we blasted whatever is on the radio. 'New Rules' by Dua Lipa came on and Emma rolled down the window to stick out her head.

"One don't pick up the phone you know he's only calling cause he's drunk and alone!" She sang out loud.

"Two don't let him you'll have to kick him out again," I sang along.

"Three don't be his friend you know you're gonna wake up in his bed in the morning!"

Emma removed her head from the window and winded the window up. She fixed her blonde hair and continued to sing the lyrics. In a couple more minutes we finally reached Emma's apartment. We exited it the car and went inside. I went straight towards the couch while Emma went into the kitchen. Kicking up my feet on the couch and resting my arms behind my head, I relaxed in the couch. As I was about to close my eyes the sound of clearing a throat was heard beside me.

I shook my head,"No we're not doing this Em."

"Oh come on!" She whined.

"Don't you remember what happened last time we did this?" I questioned her.

"Of course but it wasn't too bad," she argued.

"I almost got arrested for theft if we didn't call for a cab!" I said as I threw my hands up.

Emma rolled her eyes,"They wouldn't have arrested you, the guy was staring at your boobs."

"Emma, I don't know if I've told you, but you're crazy!"

You see back in high school Emma would always mix strong alcoholic drinks around and had me try them to see if they're good or not. One particular night, she mixed several drinks and it tasted really good. The bad thing was, I had about 6 shots of it and the rest was history. All I remembered was waking up to barely any clothes, hair dye on my hands, and smelling like alcohol.

Emma told me that we went to a party that night and played truth or dare with horny guys. Apparently my dumb self picked dare and got dared to strip down to my garments then run down the street yelling,"I'm a foxy lady." After the party, we snuck into James' room, I don't know how, and dyed his hair pink. To top the night off we went to a convenience store and called a cab to pick us up. Since we knew the cab would take long, I was thirsty and wanted to buy a drink only to found out that I had no money. So I stole a drink and got caught, but luckily the cab arrived so we dashed and got home.

Now, Emma wanted to mix a drink for me, knowing well enough what happened to me last time. I wasn't going to drink anymore of her strong, devil drinks. I knew I wasn't going to stop drinking and do something stupid. I wasn't in the mood to do something I would regret. If I got arrested last time, who knows what I'd this time.

"Fine, I won't mix any of my drinks. I'll only mix drinks for Zen, he'll try them," she huffed, putting the alcoholic drinks back in the cupboard.

"Not for the second time," I muttered.

"I heard that!" She yelled from the kitchen.

"You were suppose to!" I yelled back.

Emma came over to the couch and took my feet off the couch only for her create space for her to lay down. I turned on the tv, went on YouTube and searched up episodes of Wizards of Waverly Place. Yes, Emma and I still watched Family Channel. You're never too young to be a kid, plus trust me growing up isn't all that.

Emma spoke up,"Be careful with Dylan."

I raised my eyebrow, wondering what she meant as she continued to speak,"I don't want you to get hurt again. You're a sister to me and I want you to be careful."

I leaned over the couch and hugged Emma,"I love you."

"I love you more, now move, Mason just told Juliet that he never stopped loving her!"

I laughed at what she said and moved back to my end of the couch. Sure we didn't do much for girl's day but to me, sitting together, laughing, and watching our favourite show was all I really needed.

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