Thirty Six

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"A couple weeks had gone by without our knowledge, Kyungsoo had spent a majority of the time getting over the fact that Jongin once again made him feel heartbreak, although the latter hadn't actually been involved in his relationship with Sehun, the bastard still somehow managed to crawl in between the newly formed couple and demolish them where it hurt the most.

Thanks to my good advice and my constant pestering he eventually found himself getting out of bed. It gradually took time but I started seeing him slowly creep his way to the livingroom, starting off small; proceeding from his bedroom to the kitchen, from there to our game room then to the dining room and finally the living room, where he now takes resistant whenever I seek him.

Although it took longer than I expected I was greatful for it none the less. Our phones continued to get messages from our old housemates, Suho called to check in on Kyungsoo while Minseok sent me lists daily about how he thought of a way to kill Jongin. Lay informed me of some health options regarding Kyungsoo's mental state but when I ran then by him he kindly turned them down. As we waited and waited our phones were still muted from the two boys that we somehow developed feelings for.

I began to think that we had officially lost them, Chanyeol had arrived in the States the day after we all said goodbye, he claimed he was with Sehun but something within me told me that the latter had boarded a flight quickly heading back to London.

When everything started hitting me, I decided to do a video, to try and explain what happened. To show the world that we were still going strong and nothing could bring us down, but I wasn't so sure anymore.

Eventually the time came where we were expected to upload continuously again. Kyungsoo and I fell back into our old routines, posting videos whenever we found inspiration.

For my best friend alot of that inspiration came from the show How to get away with murder on Netflix, he had watched it fully before but decided to rewatch in hope of learning new techniques, I joked that he would use the techniques on me while I slept but he quickly shut me down with a glare.

Around that time everything started getting back to normal although the boys we loved were not far from our minds we kept them in our hearts as we moved on with our lives, giving videos to our fans"


Turning towards my best friend I smiled and turned off the camera. Weeks of information stored in its memory card with no chance of being released to the public as I couldn't bring myself to go through the painful comments looking to show my pity or sorrow when I didn't need it.

"What are you doing?" Kyungsoo wondered entering my bedroom with a cup of hot chocolate in his hand. I smiled while I took it off him, taking a sip as he sat himself down by my bedside.

"I was talking about everything taht happened, keeping a log of it so I can look back one day when all this gets better and laugh at how stupid we were" I giggled, happy to see my best friend release a chuckle of his own.

"Now that seems like a good idea" he whispered joining me under the covers. "I made the mistake of looking up some fanfiction about Sehun and I.. there isn't as many as I would have wished for.."

"Well if you'd like maybe I could write you one" I snickered bumping my shoulder off his own. Kyungsoo laughed and rolled his big eyes his black hair having grown out a bit over his forehead, it's good fallening into his eyes.

"Thanks Baek, but I'd rather read anything else" he joked and I couldn't help but nod in agreement. "Maybe we should go out today, Christmas is coming up soon maybe we can get some presents?"

"Alright" I nodded immediately, buying Christmas presents sounded like the best idea that we've had since ordering Chinese food last night. It was awhile away but it would get us out of the house at least. "Let me go shower and then we can head into town"

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