Just an ordinary day?

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(Own character used, first Oneshot/story. Sorry if it's bad)

Ugh, why must we have to wake up so early in the morning?! Why can't we have at least one day off at least?! I quickly get out of my bunk and run to the showers with my uniform. Which everyone also has. Once I'm in there, I grab a towel and hang it up by one of the showers. The girls are still sleeping, since I woke up around ten minutes before they did. So, I'm alone right now. Which I do like, it's better being alone for me right now.

~{time skip to after showering}~

I finish after five minutes, leaving another five to get dressed and go back to my bunk before the others wake up. Like that's going to happen though. I start putting my uniform on, which can be very difficult. All the straps and junk, it's really boring. I beat my time record by putting the uniform on, my record was 7 minutes. My new one is 4 minutes! Yay!!! I smile and then run back to my bunk, then pick up a book and pretend to read. Just in time too, because everyone started waking up and do their morning routine. Only one paying attention to me, Mikasa that is.

"Hey Cathy!", she exclaims quietly and sits next to me. "Hey 'Kasa, what's up?" "Oh nothing, it just seems like you got up really early!" "Yeah I did. Luckily everyone else did too, because they have 25 minutes to get ready and leave the room..", I whisper to hear her laugh. "We all know there is that one person who is always doing something else!", Mikasa tells me while pointing to Sasha. "Yep! She's just eating all the time! How did she get that food anyways?", I ask. "Yo! Sasha! How did you get that food?!", Mikasa yells to her. "I may have stole it from the kitchen last night", Sasha answers with a large grin. I chuckle, "Sasha you might get in trouble with Corporal Shortie!" Krista ((I'm pretty sure that's how you spell it, but it is how I spell it)) looks at me with a bit of shock, "Cat! Did you just call Levi, Corporal Shortie?!" I nod while in a fit of giggling, "Even I'm taller that him! That's pretty sad!!"

We look at the clock and get up. "Time to go everyone!", Mikasa yells to everyone else. I walk out of the room with Mikasa, until she sees Eren. Then she runs to him to doesn't even look back at me. I sigh sadly and everyone walks to the dining hall for breakfast. Once I get there I sit next to Armin, who turns to me and smiles then looks back at Eren. I turn to my other side once someone sits down, just to see Horseface. "Hey Cathy, how's your day been?", Jean asks me. I'm a bit shocked that he isn't being a total flirt like usual. "It's been good. How about yours?", I ask back nicely. "It's been great, but it got even better once I saw you", he answers while smirking. There we go, I thought something was terribly wrong with him. "Well that's good for you Horseface", I tell him while sighing.

I begin to eat my food, until Marco ((I don't care alright. I'm using him even if he is dead. He is still alive for me. He made it to this! Just don't throw a fit please because I'm using him)) sits across from me. I look up at him and smile. "Hey Marco!", I happily exclaim while looking at him. "Hi Cat!", He says while returning the smile. Sasha turns to Marco, who was sitting next to her, then speaks up to all of us, "Who wants to play truth or dare!?" Everyone sighed or groaned, but after a few seconds agreed. "Awesome! Connie goes first!", Sasha exclaims while looking at him. "Fine.. Cathy truth or dare?" I think about it for a second, "Dare" "Alright!!! I dare you to act like Jean!" "Ok, starting when?" "Now, for the rest of Breakfast then Lunch and Dinner." "Ok fine", I sigh "Neeiggghhh!!! Neigh neigh!" "That's hurtful Cathy!", Jean tells me fake pouting. "Well that's too bad", I say mimicking his voice. "Wow Cathy! That's amazing! You sound just like him!", Marco exclaims. "Why thank you! Anyways, Armin. Truth or dare?", I ask Armin while still mimicking Jeans voice. "Hmm... Dare....", He tells me shyly. "Ok I dare you to sing!!", I say while laughing. I got this idea from when we were very bored so we decided to joke around, which it ending up with Armin singing horribly. "Ok...." I giggle while getting ready to hear his horrible singing. "Please don't kill us please! We really don't want to die! And if you do not kill us! We will bake you lots of pies!", He sings very high pitched. "Wow, Armin you sing very high-pitched!", Eren said between laughs. "Just like your voice, Jaeger", Jean says to him. "Oh like you're any better Horseface!! By the way!! The horses called, they want their faces back! Neigh neigh!!", Eren yells at Jean. "Well Jaeger!! The titans called! They want their.......... son back!!!!", Jean yells back. "Guys, please stop!", Marco and I say at the same time. "Fine...", they both reply but still are eyeing each other. "By the way Jean, titans can't have kids. At all so --", I point out to Jean until I get interrupted. "Jaeger and Kirstein to my office now", I hear Shortie say from behind us. He obviously had heard everything. "Bodt and", he looks at me like he forgot my last name but still with that glare that could probably scare a puppy to death. "Whoever you are, you four all to my office after breakfast!" Then walks away.

Armin looks at me, "He does remember that we are brother and sister right.." I sigh, "I don't think he remembers..." I eat the rest of my food in silence until breakfast is over.

"This is your fault Eren and Jean!", I mumble angrily as I walk next to Marco and behind the two idiots. "If you two weren't fighting then we wouldn't be in this mess! Right Marco!", I say a little louder and look up at Marco. He nods, "Yeah, she's right.." Jean glares back at Marco, "Really freckles?" "Yep! Really!", Marco chuckles while looking at Jean. I silently giggle to myself, but I still earn an angry look from both Horseface and Titan boy.

Once we all get to his office, Marco knocks. "State name and business..", we hear Levi say in his usual tone. "Sir, it's Cadets Bodt, Jaeger, Kirstein, and Arlert!", Marco says. "Come in", Levi tells us. Marco opens the door and once everyone is in, closes it begin him. "Lock the door", Levi says to Marco. "Yes sir", Marco replies while locking the door. "Sits down", Levi glares at all of us. "I don't see Arlert in here, anyways", he states angrily. "Um, Heichou... I'm Arlert. Armin's sister..", I speak up shyly. He glares at me which makes me hide a bit behind Marco. "Who can explain to me what was going on in the dining hall?", He asks coldly. "Sir, Sasha thought it was a good idea to play truth or dare. A few rounds passed by, then Eren and Jean began to bicker. Cathy and I were trying to make them stop fighting!", Marco explains. I nod, "Yeah!" Levi sighs, "Fine. Bodt and Arlert, you are dismissed ." Both of us get up and salute him and then leave. That was a close one...

~{later that day during dinner}~

Jean and Eren slowly walk into the dining hall and both have one of their arms handcuffed to the other persons. I, as well as many others at the table, try our best to contain our laughter. Since Eren's right arm is cuffed to Jean's left they have to sit by each other. "Why couldn't it have been a leg inside. At least we wouldn't have to sit by each other..", Jean growls out angrily. "Whys that Horseface?! Don't want to be by me?!", Eren growls back. "Hey guys come on please don't fight!", Marco begs. I nod, "Please don't!"

"Fine", they both say giving in.

Let's just say that they were handcuffed together for a few days. A long few days for us all.

~The end~

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