Chapter 20: Mama Please

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Naomi's POV:

I quickly as possible ran to my mama, not wanting to upset my mom any further. Besides I knew when I wasn't wanted.

As I neared the kitchen My mama was humming to herself as she stirred the pasta sauce and then she moved to the noodles, though everything was vegan due to my mom's eating habits. She looked so peaceful and happy, I couldn't help but smile.
"Hi Mama do you need any help?" I offered softly as I came up next to her and she smiled at me brightly. She set the spoon on the oven top and turned then kissed the top of my head, running her fingers through my hair.

"Hi Mimi, that is so sweet of you to ask. Though spaghetti is one of the only meals I can make." She chuckles lowly before she kissed my nose. " You can cut the garlic for me." She exclaimed sitting a cutting board on the counter with a butter knife. I frowned at the baby utensil.

"Aw come on ma I can handle a real knife." I complain and she just boops my nose and continues to multitask between the noodles and sauce. I sighed hopping up onto the bar stool, starting to hack at the garlic with the dull metal utensil, knowing my mama wasn't going to change her mind.

I contently listen to my Mama's gentle hum and tried to make the garlic as small and fine as possible. I didn't want to be a disappointment, I had to make less problems. MC's comments were circling through my head as well as my dream. Did I belong with my family? Ugh I hated this uncertainty.

"Alright Mimi, are you done with the garlic?" My mama asked startling me from my thoughts. I jump slightly and hold out the cutting board for her to take. She eyes me in concern before she takes the board and dumps the garlic into the sauce. She quickly flickers the burner on simmer and turns to me.

"Need anything else?" I ask feeling insecure suddenly and very vulnerable. Something I hated being. My mama holds up a finger and I watch her drain the noodles before she leans against the counter across from me, her face resting in one of her hands.

"Baby you never did tell me or your mommy what you meant when you woke up from your nightmare." She whispered softly as she brushed aside a strand of my hair. I cringed glancing at the living room, wishing a distraction would appear, because I knew my mama wasn't going to give this up without an answer. I had stalled long as possible, but my luck had just ran out.

"I just had a bad dream...that's all..." I murmured tiredly as I fingered the butter knife in my hands anxiously.

"Naomi, you've already told me that much, what was your dream about?" My mama asked gently as She reached across the counter top and took my hand, making me drop the knife. I looked down, if I told her...what if it made rainclouds come or she realized how much she doesn't want me around?! Stupid logic I know but I mean look at what happened to Yuri and Natsuki! "Baby you can tell me anything" my mama promised brightly.

"Well ...I was alone..." I whisper shakily and she is suddenly next to me, bringing me onto her lap, like when I was little and she would read me poems. Her hands smoothing down my hair.
"I'm right here Mimi, I'm listening." She cooed and I looked down at my shoes and took a deep breath and told her everything...well everything except I exchanged MC for Rory.

My mama just hummed softly afterwards with me in her arms.
"Oh baby we would never abandon you ever. I'm too attached!" She kissed my head when a timer went off. I sniffed rubbing my eyes.
"It's okay mama, you can go finish dinner." I promise she looks conflicted but when I flashed her a charming smile she reluctantly left me and went to finish dinner.

I watched her go to pick up the noodles. Then I heard her gasp.
"You okay mama?" I asked and she mumbled out a raspy
"No!" Then her eyes rolled into the back of her head, she began to fall. I flew from my seat catching her just before she hit the ground, which resulted in me smacking my head on the corner of the counter.


To Be Continued....
Sorry for the Delay I'll try to update again shortly.

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