Chapter 24: Oh... Well Then

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Natsuki POV:

I shifted the little girl to my other arm as I opened the door to the boys room so Yuri could get them settled. She flashed me a great ful smile and disappeared into the blue and green room. I bounced Rosie on my hip trying to keep her asleep, but also wanting to see Yuri before I put her down. Plus Monika kept going in and out of the room so I didn't want Rosie to wake up.

"Natsuki, you should really lay her down.." Yuri was suddenly next to me, whispering in my ear, not gonna lie, I almost dropped the kid, I jumped like a good foot or two in surprise. Thankfully Yuri had good reflexes and caught the kid and gently laid her against her shoulder.

"Mmm....die...bub.." she whispered in her sleep and I frowned. This kid was either a mob boss or I don't know what. Yuri smirked in amusement and swayed slightly with the little girl. I couldn't help but think of another us, one that hadn't broken up, one that stayed together and possibly had a kid or two. Rosie whimpered something before she stuck her thumb in her mouth.

"This kid is full of suprisingley dark stuff." I murmured softly as I rubbed my eyes and ran a hand through my hair. I should really check with my boss, I hadn't checked in in awhile.
"Well she is partly Monika, what do you expect." Yuri giggled and Monika pouted in our direction. I snickered openly.

"I take offense to that!" She grumbled but it lacked any bite as she shifted Naomi's blanket over her shoulder and started for her and Sayori's bedroom.
"Hey is that...?" Yuri handed Rosie to me and gently fingered the soft yellow blanket that was draped over Monika's shoulder.

"Bubba? Yeah Naomi likes to pretend she's too old for it but I know it calms her down." Monika smiled sadly. "I use to know when my kids were hurting..." She whispered softly pained. Her eyes glistened and I sighed.

"Well maybe it's because of the divorce.." I reasoned and she looked up sharply. Her green eyes were dark and scary. I had only seen her look that pissed off when MC had called Sayori pathetic and made her cry.

"What divorce?" She whispered in a fearfully calm voice, that sent shivers down my spine. I swallowed thickly and shifted Rosie closer, like a shield almost.

"Come on Monika you and Sayori are soulmates you can't just throw that have four kids together..."

"Mama and mommy are getting a divorce?" Benny, is it weird I can tell them apart now, stood in the doorway of his room, his lip was quivering. He was clutching tightly to his stuffed pig. Monika shot me a dark look and draped Naomi's blanket on the back of the couch and knelt in front of her son.

"Shush...Benny baby no one is getting a divorce ... calm down bubby okay? No one is getting a divorce I promise. Mama and I love each other and you guys far too much for that to ever happen baby okay?" She stroked his little plump cheek and he nodded.
"Kay mommy.." he sniffed and Monika picked him up disappearing into his room.

"Where'd you hear...?" Yuri whispered and I scowled. This was all a setup, I had been dumb enough to fall for it.
"Naomi told me." I whisper and Yuri frowns thoughtfully and I start for Rosie's room. A bitter taste taints my mouth and I feel like crying.

From anger or relief is still up for debate. Anger at being lied to and toyed with. Relieved because Monika and Sayori were in love and I didn't want them to ruin these kids lives with divorce, and knowing that now that it was fake I felt relief.

"Aunt NaSki..." Rosie whispered as I tucked her into the bottom bunk.
"Yes princess?" I whisper leaning close.
"How come you and Yuri got divorced?" She murmured clearly half asleep. I brushed a lock of her peach colored hair from her face and tucked it behind her ear gently.
"We didn't." I whisper kindly and she smiles at me.
"So you still wives and stuff." Only she pronounced wives like wifeas.

"Actually we were never married and Yuri decided we would make better friends than wifeas." I explained as gently as possible as I tucked her stuffed animals around her and stood to go.
"Bedtime pup." Monika said from the doorway which made me jump, I knocked my head against the top bunk and groaned. Rosie giggled at me and I sat back seeing stars sparkling in my eyes.

"Ow Monika warn a person before you just Fu... freaking popping up out of nowhere!" I snapped clutching my head.
"You're so dramatic and thank you for curbing your bad language, you've corrupted enough of my children." She started past me and knelt next to Rosie who was still laughing at me.

"You could've broken my neck!" I whined and she laughed along with her demon spon.
"You're silly aunt NaSki!" I had no clue why she started calling me that but it was irritating.

"Both of you are the devil!" I complained and a gentle hand raked through my hair.
"You have a small Goose egg but I don't think it's too bad Suki." I growled up at Yuri, okay so she wanted to be just friends...well just friends didn't stroke each other's hair and call you old couply nicknames.
"How'd you get a goose's egg up under your hair?" Rosie whispered in awe.

"I didn't-" I started when a knock sounded on the front door.
"I got it!" Yuri smiled as she started from the room, almost eager. I stood, Monika followed me out the door. Just as Yuri opened the front door and was swept up into a redheaded woman's embrace.

To Be Continued...

Sorry for the Delay and lack of natsuri but I promise there will be equal amounts and build up. Angst as well.😉

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