Chapter 31: Revenue Revenge

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Naomi's POV:

"Naomi where's mama and mommy?" Benny whimpered as I held onto Rosie tightly. Lin was holding Darby with her little brother sobbing into her side. Another shot rang out and Rosie began to cry.
   "Nomi I want mama!" She sobbed and I pulled her closer, rubbing her back, unsure of what to say as I looked at my brothers tiredly.

   "Mama and mommy, and Yuri and Natsuki are...they're going to try so hard to come back to us okay?" I whispered struggling to keep the tremor from my voice. I was the oldest after all, this was my responsibility to keep them safe. Maree was whispering softly into the phone looking near tears. The poor woman was hysterical.

  "I know Max, I know, tell Libby I'm so sorry." She whimpered into the phone and I looked to Lin who mouthed 'she's talking to her husband.' I nodded, this was all so unfair, Maree had a husband and daughter at home. My moms had us, Yuri had them. Someone had to do something! I shifted Rosie sitting her in Denny's lap.

   "Where are you going?" He asked me curiously and fearful. I ruffled his light brown hair and looked into his beautiful blue eyes. He had our Mama's eyes.
   "I can't just sit here Denny, take care of Rosie okay?" I whisper and his jaw tightened
   "No you don't get to leave. Mama and mommy wouldn't want you to be dumb!" He retorted firmly as Benny cried blubbering about me getting myself killed.

   "You guys, I won't get myself killed, look I'm not just going to sit around while that psychopath kills our parents and aunts. So  you can get on board because I am most certainly doing this." I stood, irritated that my eight year old brother was trying to be rational and was telling me what to do.  Denny passed Rosie to Benny, who instantly pulled her close and began softly singing to her.

   "No Naomi, you'll just hurt yourself or do something stupid or both!" Denny snapped standing and looking up at me defiantly. I bit my lower lip and glared at him clenching my jaw and grinding my teeth together.
"Denji Blaine, do not order me around! I'm the older sister and I'm doing this okay?!" I insisted and he crossed his arms glaring right back at me.
  "No, if you go, I go!" He stubbornly proclaimed and RJ stood his little knees quaking as he came up next to my brother and looked at me determination shining in his eyes.

   "I'm coming too, Yuri's the only mom who's ever wanted me, I won't let her die like my daddy did." He insisted and I wanted to die. Seriously how was an eight year old and a six year old supposed to be of any help to me?! However this seemed important to the little guy and my brother was stubborn as my mom on a bad day so arguing with him was pointless.

  I heaved a defeated sigh. This was it, now or never.
   "Alright you two can come..." I whisper as another gunshot rings out piercing through the heavy tension in the depressing attic atmosphere.

My blood runs cold, I feel numb, no we couldn't be too late. We weren't too late. No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no.

  Maree begins to quietly so, a mess of hysterics and anxiety. The poor woman is beyond distressed and in a state of shock and panic. I turn to Lin, taking a shaky breath.
   "Watch over the girls and Benny for me okay?" I whisper firmly and she nods firmly.
   "With my life." She answers and then her eyes travel to RJ and she gives him a stern look. "RJ don't die ok." She orders and he shrugs as if they'd done this a hundred times over.

  "Alright, Benny, Rosie I love you both so much. I'm coming back don't you worry." I kiss their foreheads and Benny wraps me in a tight hug sobbing into my shoulder.
   "Be careful sissy." He sniffs and I kiss his cheek, rubbing his back before he pulls away and rubs his eyes.

  "Denny be careful." Benny added sniffing as the twins shared a nod I started for the stairs. RJ appeared at my side then shortly after Denny. I looked back at my siblings and my newfound extended family before I turned and started down the stairs. I told Denny and RJ to go out the back door and sneak around to the front. I could see Yuri through the window and I heard her whispering to someone as I slowly crept towards the door. I heard the click of a gun and I tensed.

"Sorry to say looks like you're not going to be getting that kiss anytime soon"

Without thinking, consequences be damned I threw open the front doors smacking MC with the screen at full force as he tumbled down the steps gun flying from his hand.

  "You bitch!" He growled and I saw my mom and mama, blood all over them, I saw red.
   "Don't touch my aunts or my moms!" I snapped hands clenched at my sides, MC sat up, panting slightly.

  "I gave you a chance to live you little bitch, now it's time for you to get what's coming to you!" He raged and I stared him down challenging him, daring him.
   "Naomi go back inside now!" My mom yelled frantically, but she was weighed down by my Mama's body...was she even alive?

   To Be Continued...

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