Chapter 32: Back Up

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Monika's POV:

  "Moni...k..a somethin' wrong..." Sayori slurred and I looked down at her paling form. Torn between helping my daughter and saving my wife.
   "Shh sayo gonna be ...fine..." I wish it were true and I wasn't lying to my wife before her could be final moments.
   "I'm cold Moni .." she rasped softly and my own blood seemed to freeze within my body.
   "No Sayori no, you don't feel cold! You're that time we took Naomi to the beach do you remember when we took her to the beach for the first time Sayori?" I was grasping at straws here she was fading. I had to keep her warm. The ground was frozen, blood was pooling. I couldn't lose her, I couldn't...

   "I member Moni...I pregnant with boys...en" She smiled lopsidedly at me and I sniffed, trying to hold back my tears.
   "That's right my love it so warm...the sand felt like..." A tear escaped my eye and splattered against her cheek. Her shaking cold hand cupped my face.

  "Shh shush shh Moni...kk...a.. no...cry..." She whispered softly and I shook my head.
    "MAMA!" My head whipped up as Denny raced across the yard. My heart dropped to my stomach. MC turned and Naomi's eyes widened.

   "No please, MC he's eight years old, he's just a baby!" Naomi sobbed and Yuri lifted Natsuki off her lap and stood slowly as MC eyed my son. My baby. His gun was raised and he smiled. Yuri launched herself at him from behind, knocking him into the ground forcefully and clutched his arm with the gun tightly.

  "Mama are you okay ?" Denny whimpered fearfully shaking and I looked down at Sayori then back up at my beautiful baby boy. Sayori touched his hand smiling weakly.

"My Denny...." She whispered softly you had to strain to hear it. I choked back a sob, a bullet rang out and Natsuki screamed
    "NAOMI!!!" Natsuki hissed through her pain as she stumbled down the stairs towards my daughter, blood was no

  "Mommy, mommy, mommy look look look!" Naomi exclaimed racing around my legs as she giggled merrily. She was barely six and we were setting up for the twins first birthday.
   "What what what darling?" I cooed and she smiled brightly then launched herself at my sister's legs, Lila had been walking in, gifts in hand when my daughter tackled her into her tight embrace.

   "Hi Niki." She greeted me sitting the gifts on the little white fold out table before she scooped my daughter into her arms. "Hi Mimi." She greeted giving my oldest Eskimo kisses, that made Naomi giggle merrily.
  "Auntie Lila the babies are this many now!" She whispered holding up one finger which happened to be her middle finger.

   "Pretty impressive baby girl." She giggled and I sighed softly ruffling her little blonde head.
   "Naomi we've talked about this use a different finger okay?" She reasoned and Naomi giggled.

   "Okay dokie lokie mommy." Her eyes glittering with a mischievous twinkle.

   "Monika!" Natsuki yelled bitterly as she held Naomi in her arms and sirens filled the air as Yuri kept MC pinned upon the ground. Blood was everywhere, sticking to us like a permanent stamp on our psyches.

   "Took them long enough.." I grumbled slumping slightly.

Five years Later....

To Be Concluded....

Sorry it's so short guys, I'm like majorly sick and it's a struggle to write. This will over soon, only one more chapter and don't worry it's gonna tie up all the loose ends promise!

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