This is Us, But For How Long?

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At the Office in Leviticus

Andre POV

I started getting calls from Giselle after Hakeem went into the hospital. It seemed pretty suspicious to me until she started telling me how Eddie has been acting. To say Eddie has lost his mind is a statement reserved for when he first tried to sell Empire behind my parent's back. The way Giselle is describing him now, he is beyond delusional. He has been running around telling everyone that Tiana was sleeping with Hakeem just to ensure that she will stay at Empire. He is also spreading lies about the family.

If you are one to believe the press, you'd hear that my parents supplied artists with drugs in exchange for them to push out #1 singles and albums, which made many people assume that my parents are responsible for Tory's death. I've been working to clear my family's name ever since i found out about this. It's not desired that i consort with the enemy, but the enemy of my enemy is my friend and right now, I'm getting real close to Giselle.

She's on the way to the office to talk about what she had come up with. I not only want my family cleared of all these allegations, but i want Eddie to be taken down for everything that he has done or even things he hasn't done. I don't trust Giselle to turn completely on her husband so i have been recording all of our meetings. If she tries to turn against me, then I'll have the upper hand and will be able to turn her in as well as Eddie. As long as I keep my head straight and focused, my plan should work just fine. That's the main reason I stopped drinking; can't have my meds out of whack again.

I hear heels walking up the stairs, closer to the office door and i know Giselle is about to come in. I don't know why but I am feeling anxious to see her. Don't get me wrong, she's bad news, but that woman is something beautiful. Ma always insinuates that she was a stripper, but stripper or not, it's hard to keep my manhood down when she walks in a room. She walked in the office with a scared face. I walked towards her, putting my hand on her face, reassuring that nothing bad was going to happen while we were talking. She looked at me and with panic dripping in her tone she said, "Andre please. I can't take this much longer. Eddie has lost his mind completely. He's firing artists left and right. Half of the staff has quit because of him so there is rarely any music being produced. I'm pretty sure he's stealing money from Kelly Patel too. It's like another Ponzi scheme is forming and I want no parts in it." I took a deep breath and paced the room.

"Look, I have to be able to pin something on Eddie. Is there any way you can get hard proof? Maybe a prescription with his name on it or a dealer? I asked. She took some time to think to herself. Finally she looked at me as if a light bulb went off in her head. "I got it. I can get the proof. But once I get it, then I need a place to go because he's not going to pay for anything that has to do with me. We don't have kids so I'm sure he's going to kill me or at least try. If I get the proof, will you protect me?" she asked frantically. I walked back over to her and grabbed her throat. She let out a seductive moan that was the sexiest sound I've heard in a while.

"You have to show your loyalty to my family, especially me, and I'm not sure you are loyal to me right now," I whispered into her ear. Her breathing started to speed up as she responded, "I am Andre. I swear I am. I wouldn't be here if I wasn't." I pulled away from her and glared into her gorgeous eyes and demanded, "Prove it." Next thing I know she drops the fur off her shoulder and drops to her knees. I know I shouldn't but it has been a while since I've felt a woman's touch. I real woman that is. I leaned against the desk and continued to allow her to work my manhood until I released all over her face. Once I finished, I zipped up my pants and proceeded to walk out. I turned to face her one last time before sneaking back out of Leviticus. "You might want to clean yourself up before your beloved husband comes looking for you."

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