Let's Take This Bitch Out

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In Empire's Conference Room

No One's POV

The entire board sat around the conference table for an emergency meeting. Everyone was present except Giselle and Eddie. Leonard and Edna felt it was best that the two weren't present considering they were discussing Eddie's behavior lately. "We need to figure out what we are going to about Eddie Barker," Leonard started the meeting. Edna nodded and added, "I think it's clear that everyone here is not happy nor comfortable with the changes that have been made by him. He has also been absent the past two weeks and that's not something that a CEO should be doing." Everyone nodded in agreement. Leonard continued on, "We feel that it would be best for Empire, if we find a new CEO to run the company. Maybe we could have you, Kelly Patel, as the CEO until we find someone permanent?"

All heads turned and looked at Kelly Patel, waiting for an answer. Kelly Patel sat up in his seat and clasped his hands together. "In all honesty, I don't see anyone more fit to run this company other than the family we took it from. I told Eddie that I didn't want the drama and sure enough he brought it. The Lyon's want this hell hole so let them have it. And if you try to pawn it off on someone else, then I will personally advise them to walk away. Keep Eddie or don't keep him. I don't care. I'm pulling my shares and getting out of this business. If you were smart, you'd do as I said and give it back to the Lyon family," Kelly Patel professionally confessed as he slowly walked out of the conference room. All board members looked at Leonard and Edna, hoping for some reassurance or a suggestion for a new CEO.

Edna put her head in her hands and shook it. Neither of the two had a clue who they should suggest for the CEO. All of their options had been invalid. There was no one left to hand Empire over to, except back to the Lyons. "Does the board agree to bringing the Lyon family back to Empire?" Leonard asked. He looked around the room and sighed. The sounds of 'Aye' circling the room filled Edna and Leonard's ears. They looked at each other and nodded. "Looks like it's time to welcome back the Lyon's," Edna said.

Back at the Mansion

Lucious grabbed the decanter that held the Hennessy and locked himself in his office. He knew he had messed up with Cookie. He didn't mean to come off aggressive, but in his mind, Cookie was pushing him way too much. He didn't want to confront the past and he had no intentions of doing so. But Cookie wanted to talk about it. He tried calling her and texting her repeatedly but she didn't answer. Finally, he got a text from Jamal saying that he was putting Cookie's phone on silent because she needed to rest. Lucious threw the phone in the drawer and turned on music. He grabbed the Hennessy, not bothering to get a glass, and took it to the head as the beat of It Would Be You by Trey Songz played loudly from the speakers.

He stared at the pictures of his family that surrounded his office and focused on Cookie. He loved her since the day he met her. He never wanted to hurt her in the ways that he did, but it seemed to be something that came too easily. Hurting Cookie meant hurting the family, which was something he learned five years into their relationship. Andre always stood up for Cookie when she got upset about something Lucious had done, even as a child. And when Jamal came, he joined right along with his big brother. Although Cookie used to say the boys would go to war for Lucious, he always felt they would rather die for their mother than fight for their father. Lucious continued to drink himself into a stupor, not realizing that Hakeem and Malcolm both knocked on the door to get his attention.

Lucious hadn't been like this since Cookie got sentenced, but right then, he felt like she was locked away from him all over again. He grabbed his phone out of the drawer and clicked on his wife's name. Before he realized it, he was sending her a text.

Cookie, I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean it. I honestly just didn't want to talk about Neveah because I don't know who to blame. I blame God for letting things for going down that day. I blame myself for not staying home with and for not being more prepared for that drop. I know it's not your fault why our daughter isn't here. Somethings just happen that are out of our control. I'm sorry Baby. Please forgive me or at least talk to me. You can yell at me, hit me with a bat, throw a stiletto at my head. Whatever you want to do I will let you. I know you're sleep right now, but I want you to know how deeply sorry I am and how much I love you and all of our cubs so much.

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