There's More to Our Past

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At the Hospital

No One's POV

The Lyon family sat in the waiting room, waiting to hear the cries of the baby. Everyone on the floor could hear Tiana's piercing screams and if they didn't know any better, they would've thought that she was being sliced open without any pain meds. And to Tiana, that's exactly what labor felt like. The anesthesiologist administered the epidural, but it didn't work for Tiana. She felt everything and had been in labor for 5 hours now. "Knock knock," Dr. Jensen said as she opened the door.

Tiana was trying to breath like she was taught, but it wasn't working, and she wanted nothing more than to grab Hakeem by the ball until she heard a pop. "I'm going to check you again. Hopefully you are closer to 10 rather than the 5 centimeters that you've been stuck at," Dr. Jensen announced. Tiana was in tears at this point. She wanted this baby out and he was determined to stay in. Hakeem held Tiana's hand and prayed that she was further along. "You are at an 8! You're almost there Tiana. You're doing good. He should be here soon, just a little longer," Dr. Jensen rejoiced.

Sweat was falling down Tiana's face faster than Hakeem could wipe it away. "Stop touching me! You have lost all privileges to touch me. Owwwww! Fuck this hurts!" Tiana screamed while gripping Hakeem's hand with all her might. "You're not exactly going easy on my hand, babe," Hakeem complained. "You want something easy, then walk your ass out of this room. Tell Cookie I need her, because you are fucking sorry right now. You're supposed to be helping me and your clown ass is worried about your hand. GET OUT!" Tiana yelled at Hakeem.

He quickly ran out the room to retrieve his mother. He got to the waiting room and saw his mother sleeping on his father's lap. He knew better than to wake her up, but he had no choice at the moment. HE took a deep breath, looking Lucious first, then walking to his death. He swallowed a lump that was stuck in his throat, then slightly shook Cookie. "If the baby isn't here yet, leave me alone," Cookie mumbled in her sleep. Hakeem let a breath once again, not wanting to try to wake her up again. He nudged her again, hoping she would at least open her eyes and not just swing at him.

"WHAT!" Cookie yelled. Hakeem jumped back, putting his hand in front of his member to protect his delicate parts. "T... Tiana is asking for you and she won't let me come back in unless I bring you," Keem quickly spat out. Cookie looked up at her scared son and groaned. She had just fallen asleep and was not in the mood to get up. "Ugh, help me up boy," Cookie demanded. He walked closer, helping his mom stand to her feet and escorted her down the hall to Tiana's room. "Hey, what's going on?" Cookie asked Tiana as she walked through the door.

"Kemani doesn't want to come out and Keem is being a bitch and it hurts so bad," Tiana listed. "I'm guessing the epidural didn't work," Cookie asked, receiving no's from Keem and the nurses that were assisting. "It's ok. I didn't have get even have one with Keem and he had the biggest head of them all. How far along are you?" She directed to Tiana. "Eight centimeters. Why is he so lazy?" Tiana asked through her tears. "Because his daddy is extremely lazy. But you will push him out like it's nothing because you are so strong. Steady your breathing. Another contraction is coming," Cookie coached.

Tiana did her Lamaze breathing and held Cookie's hand for dear life. "I feel like I need to push. It's like I can't keep him in anymore," Tiana announced. "That means your baby boy is knocking on the exit door. Keem, get Dr. Jensen," Cookie said calmly, "You got this, I'm right here, but don't push yet. Keep breathing. There you go." Tiana started to calm down immediately. She didn't know why, but Cookie being around was helping her more than the epidural would have. She closed her eyes and kept breathing at a steady pace just like Cookie told her. Dr. Jensen finally came back inside and prepped for the delivery. "You ready to have this baby?" She asked Tiana.

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