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The Following Day

At the Mansion

Cookie woke up early that morning and decided to cook breakfast for the family. She thought that was a good way to start the conversation that she didn't even want to have. To have to apologize to Tiana and her son was not the ideal way to start the day, but she did it anyways for the sake of her family staying together. Lucious walked into the kitchen and saw the feast that Cookie prepared. She hadn't been in the mood to cook for a while, so this was a nice sight. "Mmm, my baby is cooking. I missed your food and this body of yours. Why did you get out of bed so early? I wanted to give you something," Lucious tried to seduce Cookie.

He slowly walked behind her, giving her sensual kisses on her neck. "Aahht aahht! Not in the mood for that right now. Back up before I burn you with this pan," Cookie shut down Lucious without even turning around to face him. "I'm cooking for my son, not you. Trying to do better as you say," Cookie explained as she put pancakes and eggs onto a plate and handing it to Lucious. "And yet you're still feeding me," Lucious said as he kissed her cheek. She gave a small smile and continued to finish the rest of the food before Hakeem and Tiana came down.

"So, you're trying to win them over with food?" Lucious questioned. He didn't believe it would work, just like she was skeptical as well, but then again Hakeem does like to eat, so she might be able to sway him in her favor. "It's a start! Leave me alone. I just want this to be more peaceful. Food always manages to calm your fat ass down," Cookie clapped back. Lucious glared up at her then proceeded to eat his food. Hakeem finally came in the kitchen with Tiana following him.

Tiana gave Cookie a look of pure hate. She didn't want to talk to her or Lucious for that matter, but her hate for Cookie was far greater than her hate for Lucious. "The food looks good, Ma. I'm surprised you cooked this morning," Hakeem said, amazed by the sight in front of him. Tiana rolled her eyes at her ass-kissing boyfriend. It didn't look as good as Hakeem was making it seem, in her eyes. Lucious noticed Tiana's attitude and decided to start the conversation before they ended sitting there for 3 hours with nothing to say.

"Tiana, I would like to say that I do apologize for treating you in a harsh manner these past few months. You are a family now, and we should be treating you as family. And Hakeem I'm sorry for not hearing you out earlier. I'm proud of you for sticking up for what you want," Lucious sincerely apologized. Cookie looked at her husband with a side eye. She knew he was faking it, and he was doing a hell of a job. Lucious stared back at Cookie, giving her a scowl that only she understood; 'Start talking before I make you'. Cookie pursed her lips, then cleared her throat.

"I also would like to apologize. Hakeem I'm sorry for not being supportive of what you want. I'm sorry for making you feel like you had to choose between your family and Tiana. Tiana, I'm sorry for disrespecting you. It's hard for me to let go of the fact that you got so wrapped up in Eddie's words so easily. A part of me doesn't trust you completely, but I'm learning to. After all, you are the mother of my second grandbaby and I have no choice but to trust you with that baby's life. Can you forgive me?" Cookie sweetly concluded her apologies. Tiana sat with her arms folded on her small belly. She took a minute to think about the apologizes, then loosened the tight glower that had been stuck on her face.

"Ok, I forgive you guys. And I'm sorry for how I acted when Eddie was around. I shouldn't have fell for his trap," Tiana returned an apology. Cookie smiled and ate a bowl of fruit she put together because she was as hungry this morning. Tiana and Hakeem ate their food, sharing random glances at each other. "So how is my grandson?" Lucious asked. "And how do you know it's a boy?" Tiana asked right back. Cookie chuckled and looked down. "Because you're big for someone who is just hitting 4 months," Lucious answered while reading a newspaper. "Well we have an appointment this morning actually. We might be able to find out what we're having," Hakeem responded.

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