What the Hell is Going On?

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At the Mansion

Giselle and Andre sat in the living room, discussing Destiny trying to get money out of Giselle. "Why don't you just give her the money? She's asking for what a couple hundred thousand dollars? That's nothing," Andre said, pacing back and forth as he thought out loud. "A couple hundred this time, and next time it's a couple million, then I'll be going to prison for accessory to murder!" Giselle yelled from the edge the couch. Andre sat down next to her. "Baby, we can get someone to get whatever evidence she has and destroy it. I can talk to Thirsty-" "No! We can't tell anyone about this. I'll just keep paying her. Maybe she will just lose the evidence one day," Giselle huffed.

She winced, grabbing her stomach. "Are you ok? Is it the baby?" Andre panicked, looking for his phone. Giselle let out a few pants and tried to relax. "I'm just too upset right now. I think paying her off will buy me more time until I can do something else, I'll be less stressed and little man won't be trying to come out early. That's what I'm going to do. Can you help me up? I want to make some tea," Giselle rambled off in one breath, acting as if she wasn't just in pain a minute ago. Andre helped her stand and with worried eyes, watched her walk into the kitchen. He sat down and washed his hands over his face. His life had been full of little moments like that for the past 2 months. He was tired and frustrated, not having the energy to deal with half of the Empire problems he had to address on a daily.

Jamal came around the corner and saw his brother appearing to be defeated. "Dre, are you good?" he asked. Andre sat up right and nodded his head slowly. "Just a bunch of stuff going on. This war with Pop, Haven's surgery, Giselle's stress level. Who knows what's next?" Andre vented. Jamal face told a story of bad news. "I'm going to the hospital, check on Haven and make sure Mom hasn't killed dad. You and Giselle can wait here, and I'll let you know when she wakes up," he rushed out, avoiding direct eye contact with Dre. He walked towards the door, Andre following right behind him. "If she wakes up, tell her I love her," Dre informed Jamal. Jamal dropped his head and nodded, going to his car. His phone vibrated from an incoming text

Let me know when you find out more about your sister. I love you and I'm waiting until you get home. Let me know if there is anything I can do.

Jamal smiled at his phone. Keeping this relationship a secret for the past 2 and a half years was what he needed to remain happy and healthy. Everyone always had something to say about any new loves, and that always takes a toll on the relationship or the person. Not everyone is cut out for the Lyon's way of life. He responded back to the text, holding a sparkling grin.

I'll call you after I get there. I love you so much my love. Don't stay up too long. You've already done enough for me. I'll be returning the favor when I get back.

He put the phone down and pulled out of the mansion driveway. Now he was back to reality, finding out what was going on with Haven. Lucious had called him, but the signal had cut out right when he was about to say what happened. He then got a text from Cookie saying that she need him at the hospital and that Haven was not good. He was going to tell his brothers, but he didn't want the, worried just yet. He needed to know what was going on with his little freedom rider before telling the news. His phone lit up again only to have a text from Becky.

Umm, a certain artist is about to signed to Empire and they asked if you could meet with them in the afternoon around 3pm.

Jamal dismissed the text. Her wasn't dealing or signing artists like he used to, so he didn't understand why Becky even bothered him with potential artists' requests. He dealt with artists after the ink on the contracts have dried. He put the phone on the charger and pulled off to meet his parents.

At the Hospital

Lucious stood outside of the door that led to Haven's room. He wanted to go inside, but Cookie yelled at everyone who walked in, that wasn't coming with a way to wake Haven. He knew that she wouldn't let him live if he tried to sit on the side of Haven's bed and wait for her to wake up. He let out a line of heavy huffs, hating himself for not being more of a father to Haven recently. Cookie was right, he was more worried about Andre being the head Lyon, that he forgot he had a wife and child at home longing for his attention. And now, his wife didn't want any attention or affection from him.

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