Sins of a Mother Begin to Unfold

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Leaving Cookie's Doctor

No One's POV

"I hate you. Why do you have to be right about everything, Lucious?" Cookie pouted as they walked to the car. "Why are you being so difficult? You act like it's not what you wanted anyways," Lucious responded. Cookie huffed and pouted as she got in the car. "I'm not saying it's not what I want, but why do you have to be all cocky about being right?" Cookie questioned more quietly. Lucious kneeled down in front of Cookie and kissed her hand. "Well, I'm sorry baby. I didn't mean to be so cocky. But you can't lie, you're happy I was right," Lu said with a smile plastered on his face. Cookie looked at her growing belly and rubbed it, with a smile forming on her face as well. "Yeah, I am happy. We FINALLY got our girl!" Cookie screamed with excitement. Lucious laughed at his ecstatic wife. After 32 years, they finally managed to get pregnant with the little girl they dreamed of. Cookie grabbed Lucious face and gave him a deep kiss. "I love you so much," Cookie said against Lucious' lips.

Lucious pulled away slowly, giving her a kiss on her forehead then leaning down and kissing her belly. "I love both of you more. Let's go tell the boys they're getting a sister," Lu said as he stood up to close the door. On the ride back, they listened to the radio, which was announcing news, including news about Eddie's trial being set for another six months and his bail being astronomical. "That's what his bitch ass gets. I know his ex-wives are not planning on getting him out. He played himself," Cookie reacted to the news while texting the boys to get to the house. Lucious chuckled. "Baby, can we please get something to eat first? I'm starving," Cookie begged. "You got Juanita cooking. Why would I stop to get food, when hot food is being cooked now?" Lu asked back. "Because that's not what I nor your daughter wants right now, and we'd appreciate it if you stopped and got some kung pao chicken. I'll eat the healthy shit later, but I want some Chinese food. Please," Cookie begged, giving Lucious puppy eyes.

"Dr. Montgomery just said you are like 3 burgers from gestational diabetes. I've let you get away with your eating habits these past 6 months. It's less than 3 months to go, Cook. The least you can do is stick to the diet you are supposed to be on," Lucious shot down her desires. "If I'm 3 burgers away then that means I can eat 2 more, then get back on the healthy lifestyle," Cookie threw Lucious' mindset off trying to weasel her way into getting Chinese food. "You're not getting it. Try again later," Lucious refused. "How about road head in exchange for my food?" Cookie offered. Lucious came to a stop light and looked at his wife. "What is wrong with you? You can't even lean over here comfortably for that. Did you forget that quick that you are all belly and carrying our daughter?" Lucious asked while holding a discombobulated face. Cookie crossed her arm and pouted the rest of the ride home.

They pulled up to the mansion and Cookie tried to hurry out of the car. "Hey! Sit down," Lucious shouted. She sat back in the car and gave her attention to her Instagram feed. "Eat like you're supposed to for a week and I'll give you days to have whatever foods you want. Can you do that for me?" Lucious tried persuading her. "I'll do it if you let me eat some of the red velvet cake that I know your mama made. Deal?" Cookie gave her counter-offer. Lucious leaned in and kissed his bargaining bride, "Deal. Get out the car." They walked into the mansion, to what seemed like an indoor hurricane. Bella's crayons were everywhere and partially crushed. Invitations were thrown all over the floor. Ink marks sketched into Lucious' $300,000 Fazioli Grand Piano. The couple walked slowly through their house until they came across a very hyper Bella drawing on the marble floors in one of the downstairs bathrooms.

"Bella, where's daddy?" Cookie asked the almost 2-year-old, trying not to shout. Bella stood up and ran out the bathroom. "Dada! Dada!" Bella yelled as she ran down the halls. Lucious stood beside, waiting for either Hakeem or Tiana to emerge from their hiding place. They suddenly heard Tiana's voice, "What's wrong Bella boo?" "Meme...Dada!" She yelled out again, obvious alerting that Hakeem wasn't in the room. Bella walked out the room pulling at Tiana's pants to bring her to talk to her Meme. Tiana stood in front of Cookie and Lucious, looking confused at their pissed off faces. "What happened?" Tiana asked. "Who was supposed to be watching Bella?" Lucious yelled. "Hakeem was in the living room coloring with her. I've working on my album, that's why I was trying to figure out why Bella was calling for Keem, but then she mentioned Cookie sooo... I don't know what is going on... oh my god," Tiana stopped talking once she saw the mess that laid in the front of the house.

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