Where is Lucious?

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At Eddie's House

Giselle's POV

Eddie made me take him back home once he got out and forced me to sleep with him or he would kill my mother. I didn't want to and tried to get out of it, but he wouldn't let me go. I don't think I've ever cried during sex, but I cried nonstop that day. Every day since then and every day he's blackmailed me into doing it again, I've just wanted to sit in the shower and scrub myself clean. I know it would be a death wish, but I want to tell Andre everything. Maybe things would've been better if I would've told him from the beginning. I lay here thinking about the fact that I may lose Dre after all of this is said and done. It makes me upset and sad at the same time, but I have no one to blame but myself. I put myself in this situation and now I'm going to lose a man that I genuinely love. Yes, I was unsure 6 months ago, but we've grown and gotten to know each other more. I see a happy future with that man, but me helping Eddie is going to ruin all of that for me.

I try to sneak from under Eddie, but he tightens his grip on me. I don't see the point in him keeping me here. He got his nut, meaning my job is done. He rolls over and grabs his phone. "Don't leave. You're going to Empire with me. We are going to have a little talk with the Lyon men. Get yourself together, you look a mess," Eddie insinuated. I don't know what he is planning, but I know it won't end well. The last thing that needs to happen is a war inside of Empire, especially with Cookie so close to her due date. She hasn't forgiven me and still doesn't want me with Dre, but I am no longer banned from dinners and Empire. She simply just glares at me with those piercing eyes. I'm sure Lucious checks up on her all day to make sure she isn't in labor. "How do you know that any of the Lyons will be there when you get there? It is cutting it close with Cookie's due date," I asked, trying to pry some information from him. "I have someone who informs mewhen they arrive and leave. How about you get dressed and stop trying to play me for clues? You're wasting my time," He responded.

I get up and got myself together. He put on a suit and I pulled out my phone to text Dre. Maybe I can convince him to leave Empire. "If you warn him, I will kill you in the conference room," Eddie threatened. "I'm not. We sext when he's at work. Try it with your next hoe sometimes. Maybe it will put you in a better mood," I said. I turned my focus back to my phone and clicked on Dre's name

G: Hey daddy, what are you doing?

D: Trying to get these budgets together for Mal and Keem's next videos. What about you sexy?

G: Thinking about you. How about you take a long lunch with me. We miss you

D: I wish I could babe, but I have to get these budgets together before the next financial meeting. How about a rain check for dinner?

G: You can't slip away for just a little bit? I want to see you.

D: No can do. Things are behind since Pop banned Ma until she gives birth.

G: Ok, I guess dinner will have to do. I love you Dre

D: I love you too. I'll see you at dinner.

Any other day, he would rush out of that building for an afternoon quickie with me. Why is today any different? Looks like I'm going to have to lure him out some other way. The only other problem is getting Lucious out. He only leaves when it involves Cookie, or he goes to get food. We walked out to the car and Eddie stopped me before I got in the car. "If I find out-" "I'm not selling you out Eddie! Can I talk to my man and seem normal, so he won't suspect anything out of the ordinary or would you prefer I ignore him, then he come looking for me and find you instead?" I yelled back. He stared at me for a couple more seconds, then let me get in the car. Once we get to Empire, I have to get away from Eddie. It's the only way I'm going to live.

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