Is That Alright?

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Jamal made it to Empire and walked inside, looking at his phone. He stood in front of the conference room, texting Philip about what he wanted to do to him. He grinned as he read the responses, not hearing Becky calling his name. "JA-MAL! So you're just going to ignore me today?" She yelled right into his ear. He groaned and put his phone in his pocket. "What Becky? Where is Skye because I don't know if you realized, she's not here. So why am I?" He sassed at her.

"Uh first of all, lose the attitude. Just because you a big diva, doesn't mean that you have to act like this. I've been around longer than Cookie has been back, and I have held you down through all situations. The least you can do is wait and have a meeting with my artist. I'm not asking you to produce every number 1 hit that will ever come from her. Chill out dude," she gathered him. He smacked his lips and huffed. "You know things are going on with Haven. Why would you schedule any meetings during this time?" He complained.

Becky opened the doors to the conference room and sat her paperwork down. She spun around, placing a hand on her hip. "Last time I checked, Cookie and Lucious conceived Haven. You are her brother, meaning you can come handle a few things at YOUR family company. They don't need you sitting in chairs, breathing up Haven's good air. And what is the big deal? I thought you adored Skye and that you were her number 1 fan. What happened to that?" She tried to put two and two together.

Jamal stared at her in disbelief. "I guess you just so happened to forget about the time during ASA nominations about 4 years ago," he spoke out, walking to grab some grapes off the snack platter. Becky turned her head, not knowing what he was talking about. "We fucked..." he whispered. "Boy, ain't nobody worried about you sticking your little dick in Skye. I'm pretty sure she is over that," she yelled out loud. Jamal looked over his shoulder to see if anyone had come into the room.

"First of all, it's not little. I'm a Lyon. Second, I don't know if she is. She thought we were dating after that. It hurt me so much to tell her that I was still gay," he explained. Becky snickered at his thought process. "Well, one, I wouldn't know how big your dick is because you won't let me change your world boo. Two, anybody in their right mind should know you love breaking down these little boys. Now that is the Lyon in you. All of you Lyon men walking around blowing somebody's back out. I swear I saw Cookie walking like Bambi out of their office two weeks ago," she said, somewhat jealous.

An almond was thrown at her as Jamal made a disgusted face. "Thanks for letting me know that I need to stay out of that office," he mumbled. "Oh shut up, you been knowing they be knocking boots all...over...this...building," she laughed. He shivered and shook his head. One of the doors opened and in walked Skye. "Hey Jamal," she coyly said, giving a shy wave. He looked up at her and smiled. He didn't want her to still be stuck up on him, but he was happy to see her.

Skye and Becky sat down across from Jamal. "How are you Skye?" He asked his old fling. She blushed. She didn't admit it, but she had hoped that Jamal would choose to try to make a relationship work after their 48 hour fling. But she didn't want him to be forced to change. "I am better. I had to take some time to find myself. But I'm ready to be back and make music that I want. And that's the reason why I wanted this meeting. I wanted to thank you for helping me feel comfortable enough to want to pursue the avenues that I never been a part of. I wouldn't have spent all this time thinking about if I really wanted to go this route without seeing your bravery firsthand. So thank you," she said.

"You're welcome, but you didn't need me to push you onto this route. You know who you are, and you want to do. I just wanted to be able to say I did a song with Skye mothafuckin Summers," Jamal said being silly. Skye giggled at him and pushed her hair behind her ear. "Well with me taking a three year hiatus, my label didn't want to wait anymore so they cancelled my contract. They kept my masters, but I don't want them. As long as they can't get ahold of my new music, I'm fine. And your dad said that he would make sure they could never touch the music I make here with you guys. So here I am," she went on to explain her journey back.

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