You Did What!?

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No One's POV

Cookie laid unconscious on the floor, a bruise visible on her head. Lucious had forget some paperwork at the house, prompting him to turn around and come back home. He walked through the door and saw his wife laying still on the floor, a bruise resting on the side of her head. "Cookie! Cook, get up! What happened? Juanita!" He yelled out, not receiving an answer nor hearing anyone coming to his side. He pulled out his phone, typing 911 and walking into the kitchen. He found Juanita unconscious as well, tied to a chair with tape across her mouth. His thought instantly went to Haven.

He hadn't seen or heard her and that was unlike his busy body daughter. "Haven? Haven, where are you? Baby, you come stop hiding, it's me," he called out, hoping that she would answer him, but like everything else, it was pure silence. Cookie started to wake up and held her head. Her eyes were starting to focus, and she saw her husband looking worried. "What happened?" she asked Lucious. He turned and glared at her as if he already blamed her for him still not finding their daughter.

"I could ask you the same question. What is going on, Cook? Juanita is tied up and unconscious, you were passed out at the end of the stairs, and I can't find Haven. Where is my daughter?" he hissed at Cookie. She looked up at her heated husband and her eyes grew with darkness. "Who are talking to like that?" she said in a low tone, that only a mother could do. Lucious sighed and paced. "Where is Haven, Cookie?" he asked again. She looked around and her bottom lip started to quiver as she remembered the piercing screams of her daughter.

"Someone took her! I got downstairs and the door was open. Someone hit me and...and...I heard her screaming for help, I couldn't get her. Lucious, we gotta find her!" Cookie yelled, frightened and crying hysterically. Cookie walked towards Lucious for comfort, but he pushed her away. "Who was coming over this early in the morning? Was it Renee?" Lucious asked, visibly showing his anger towards his wife. Cookie shook her head, trying to hide the shame she was feeling.

Lucious picked up a glass vase and through it against a wall. "I told you! I told you to watch out for her! And what do you do? You have her come over! Our daughter is missing now, and if anything happens to her, I'm killing your mother and as much as I love you, I won't forgive you ever again," Lucious roared, making Cookie cower down.

She was hurt, but she deserved Lucious' threat. That was her daughter's life on the line. She carried this little girl for 34 weeks, breastfed her for an entire year, lost hours of sleep, nurtured her back to health when she was sick, and because of one dumb ass mistake, her only girl might be going through something that never should've been able to happen. She knew then that she should've listened to Lucious, but now it was too late to go back. She sat on the bottom stairs, crying her heart out while Lucious went to try and wake Juanita up. She grabbed her phone and text the boys to come over quickly. She tried to get up, but her emotions weighed her down.

She looked up and saw Juanita walking slowly towards her with the assistance of Lucious. "Juanita, are you ok?" Cookie asked as she wiped constantly falling tears. "Yes Mrs. Cookie. I'm ok, just a small headache. Where is Miss Haven?" Juanita asked, causing Cookie to cry even harder. Lucious glared at his wife, then faced Juanita. "Was Renee the one who showed up earlier?" he asked. Juanita took some time to remember the turn of events. She finally remembered everything that happened before was knocked out.

"Yeah, she said that Mrs. Cookie was expecting her, but she had a man with her. Haven came downstairs and hid behind me like she always does when she doesn't know someone. Renee just kept staring at her, so I took Haven into the kitchen to make something to eat. She told me she was going to go wake up her mama and come back so I didn't even think anything about it. When I called her downstairs to eat, she never made it to the kitchen. I was going to go find her, but I think the man hit me then had me inhale chloroform. I don't remember anything after that," Juanita explained.

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