Is This What You Wanted?

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An Hour Later

At the Mansion

Cookie had walked Haven upstairs to her room, wanting to lay the tired girl down, then go talk to Andre and Giselle. Haven had other plans for the relieved mother. As soon as Cookie placed the cover over her and put Nala next to her, Haven's eyes popped wide open. "Mommy, I wanna sleep with you and daddy," the princess Lyon whined. Cookie couldn't resist her daughter's desires, but she wasn't ready to talk to Lucious, let alone lay in the same bed as him. "How about mommy sing you a song? Would that help you fall asleep?" She asked. Haven nodded then reached up for her mother. Cookie bent down and picked up the growing child. She walked over to the rocking chair and sat down. Haven laid her head against Cookie's full breasts as Cookie started singing.

Sometimes in our lives we all have pain
We all have sorrow
But if we are wise
We know that there's always tomorrow

Lean on me, when you're not strong
And I'll be your friend
I'll help you carry on
For it won't be long
Till I'm gonna need
Somebody to lean on

She rocked a sleeping Haven and held her tight. Her mind went back to the day that she found out Haven was a girl, to when she took her first steps, then to her singing Happy Birthday to Jamal a couple of months ago. Everything that little girl did was no short of perfection. She was truly a dream, so it confused Cookie to see Lucious not wanting what's best for her. This was the man who made a doctor do a full work up when she fell down two steps. He went hard for her any other time, but it was like he didn't trust the needs that were obviously something that required attention.

She continued to hum Lean on Me, even though Haven was fast asleep with her mouth open. Lucious walked into the room, not knowing that Cookie was still inside. He walked in hearing her humming so softly, it was like a true lullaby to any one's ears. She opened her eyes, seeing drunk husband. His eyes bloodshot red and his shirt undone and crinkled from being pulled at. "I remember you used to sing that all the time to calm the boys. I didn't know that you did it with her too," he said, walking closer to Haven's bed. "There's a lot that you don't know I do with her. Just like you didn't know what I used to do with the boys," she said, not focusing on his movement.

He walked over and grabbed his baby girl out of Cookie's arms. "Lucious, stop. She just went to sleep," Cookie hissed. "Don't ever tell me that I can hold my daughter. She'll stay asleep," he warned his wife. He placed Haven's head on his shoulder and gently rubbed her back. Haven snuggled at her father's touch as if she was molded to stay in his arms. "See. She's just like you. She won't wake up as long as I'm holding her. Why are we fighting, Cookie?" he asked, his voice trembling as he spoke. Cookie looked at him with her own sadness. "We are divided because after all this time and everything that this family has been through, you still don't want to put your ego aside and do what's right by us. You know that Andre is more than ready to take over Empire. Why don't you want to let it go and go back to being and artist and a father? Haven needs you more now than ever," she questioned through her tears.

Lucious paced the room, bouncing Haven and avoiding Cookie. She huffed at his distance and walked out of the room, to their bedroom. Lu pecked Haven's forehead and placed her in her bed. He looked down at his sleeping girl. It was killing him inside to know that his perfect little angel, needing a major surgery. It took so much out of him when Cookie had her heart attack. He couldn't take the pain and worry again. He turned on a small light and left the door cracked so she wouldn't be scared. He gave her one look back then drug his feet to the room he shared with Cookie. He pushed the door open and saw Cookie sitting on the edge of the bed, putting lotion on her shoulders.

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