She Knows Something

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That Night

At the Mansion

Cookie's POV

We finally got home after a day full of signing papers, getting artists back in the studio and addressing the public about our big changes for the company. I am exhausted, which is something that I haven't felt in a while. I've had such a burst of energy lately that this sudden fatigue feeling threw me off guard. I don't want to have this family dinner, but everyone is already here waiting for me in the living room. My headache went away and I'm grateful because I might not have been in the mood to be nice.

Lucious snuck into the room and kissed my neck while rubbing my stomach. "There's nothing poking out for you to feel," I said, pushing him away. "I know this, but that doesn't mean that I can't feel on my baby," Lucious responded. I swear he only gets this sentimental when there's a baby involved. Don't get me wrong. He's always sweet and caring with me, but not as much as when I'm pregnant. "Are they getting antsy?" I asked as I put on a more comfortable maxi dress. "Renee is talking to Jamal while Dre and Keem try to keep my mother out of the room until you decide to grace us with your presence," Lu said sarcastically.

I rolled my eyes and put on my Fenty slides. "Yeah yeah. Come on, let's get this over with. I want a foot massage after this damn dinner," I ordered. "Don't start demanding shit just because you don't want this dinner now. You suggested it remember?" Lu retorted. I turned around and hit him on the arm. He looked me in my eyes, almost hypnotizing me. "Don't start that unless you want my hands around that pretty little neck of yours," He whispered in that sexy deep voice I love so much. I'm not gonna lie. I wanted to jump on his dick right then and there, but I digress, there was a dinner waiting. I turned away without saying a word and walked to the dining room with Lu following closely. I went into the kitchen first to let the staff know that we were ready to eat. Everyone emerged into the dining room and sat down. Lucious pulled out my chair, then went and sat at the other end of the table. Leah sat next to him and Renee sat next to me.

The staff brought out the food and everyone sat silently at the table. I hate when they do this, because usually someone has to pry a conversation out of them. That someone is always me and I'd rather be in the bed than trying to get my family to talk. "So how does it feel to be back at Empire?" Renee asked. "Tiring mostly, but I'm happy we're back. Aren't ya'll?" I asked to the stubborn men in my life. Lucious shrugged his shoulders and kept eating. "Really nigga?" I yelled across the table without realizing I said it out loud. Everyone looked at me and Lu glared at me, making me sink into my seat and bite the inside of my cheek. "It feels great to be back at a company that my wife and I started. It's our rightful place," Lucious said finally. "Anyone can start something, but not everyone deserves to see the end game. Sometimes things are better off in the care of others," Renee said in return. Lucious dropped his fork on his plate.

"And by somethings, are you talking about Empire or Cookie?" Lucious snarked back. Keem and Tiana looked down and Dre leaned back in his seat. Jamal kept eating while staring between Lu and Renee. "I'm just saying that maybe things turn out better when someone else is in charge. Change is good in some cases," Renee continued to trigger Lucious' dark side. "Do I know you?" Leah asked randomly. Everyone's head turned towards her. "No. I've never met you before in my life. And if you gave birth to him then I'm glad I didn't meet you earlier" Renee egged on.

"Ok that's enough! You said you were going to do better. Was that just some bullshit?" I directed towards Renee. "Honey, I'm trying to do better, but it just doesn't feel right to be cordial with a man who would let his wife and family take the fall for every evil thing he's done. I only agreed to it because of you and my grandsons. I want no parts of Lucifer Lyon," She spat out. "So, then you want nothing to do with me or OUR kids. Because whether you like it or not, he is them and they are him. Especially Mal, who you've become so attached to. Lucious has been my life since I was 15, while you were busy following people in cars and taking pictures like a damn stalker," I stated sternly.

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