My Blood = My Family

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Conference Room

Andre looked at his father and gave a smirk. His father, who was blindsided by his mother, sat with a scowl on his face as his fingers laid against his lips. Andre shook his head but kept a smile on his face as he walked out of the conference room. Jamal looked at his still heated dad and placed his hand on Lucious' shoulder. "Dad, why don't you just give Dre control of the company, so you can focus back on being an artist and a husband and father. There's no way you can tell me you don't miss that," Jamal said. Lucious placed his hands on the table and looked at Jamal from the corner of his eye.

"I am not going to give my company to someone who feels that they are owed something from me. I worked too hard for this. I've sacrificed more than anybody to get here. I'm not giving up my company!" Lucious roared. Jamal leaned in closer to ensure Lucious heard his next words. "Just because you lost your leg, doesn't mean that you sacrificed more than anybody in this family. The person who did sacrifice more than any one, is still sacrificing things. All because you won't be a father and husband, like she needs you to be," Jamal stated as he stood up and walked out of the conference room, leaving Lucious to stew.

Lu turned around and saw Dre, Jamal, Becky, and Giselle standing around talking. He thought about why Dre didn't tell the family about this new baby. He was quick to tell about the baby that Rhonda carried, but then again he used that baby announcement to get back into Empire. He watched Giselle rub her hand over her growing belly, having a feeling that something wasn't right. "He hid that baby to pretend he has no other obligations and could give all his attention to the company. Clever boy," Lucious said to himself. He stood up and walked out of the conference room, over to the small group.

Becky looked up and cleared her throat, nudging Jamal to look up. Everyone got quiet, the only noise came from Lucious' shoes. "So, are you back to work Giselle? Or is my son making you stay away for much longer?" Lucious asked, looking back at Andre then focusing on Giselle again. "I...umm...I am back, I'm ready to be back, Lucious," Giselle answered. Andre's eyes grew wide with anger. Lucious smiled and rubbed Giselle's belly then walked away. Jamal and Becky looked at Andre, worried by the expression he held on his face. "Dre, why don't we go check on Ma? Come on," Jamal asked, trying to pull Andre away from doing something he would regret.

"I'm fine. Just need to have a discussion with Giselle. I'll catch up with you later," Dre said, not looking away from the woman carrying his unborn son. Becky pulled Jamal away and they hid around the corner, to eavesdrop on the conversation. "So, you're back? No discussion, no thinking about it. You just decided to say fuck the health of our child and come back to work and deal with the devil himself. Didn't we agree that it was best for you to stay home and away from the chaos of this company?" Andre roared as he walked towards Giselle, making her back pedal. "I didn't know that I needed permission to work Dre. I'm tired of being cooped up in the house. I need to do something normal!" Giselle yelled, scared that she made a wrong move.

"He wouldn't kill her would he? I mean she is pregnant," Becky whispered to Jamal. He looked at her then back at the arguing couple. "I mean, he crazy, but I'm not sure he is that crazy. At least I hope not," Jamal answered, watching Andre give Giselle a look that he had only seen Lucious give to people who have crossed him. Andre stopped walking and stared at Giselle. "Come here. Stop walking away from me," he ordered. Giselle looked at him frightened. She wasn't sure what he was about to do. After spending years with Eddie and his verbal and sometimes physical abuse, she worried that Andre may snap on her again. She stood in place, trembling at his glares.

"Dre, I didn't decide to do this just to get under your skin. I just wanted to feel like myself again. What's wrong with that?" Giselle cried out. "I'm not about to lose another son just because you won't listen and sit your busy ass down! Why do I even have to tell you something like that?" Andre yelled, making even Jamal and Becky jump. Cookie walked around the corner and saw the two still hiding behind the wall. "Uh, what the hell are ya'll doing? And why is Dre looking like he is about... Oh no, we are not doing this. Andre Martin Lyon, you better calm yo ass down!" Cookie yelled as she sped around the corner towards the fighting couple.

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